Chapter Fifty Three: Part II

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It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon during forth period when a loud scream erupted from outside the classroom. At first all the students in Mr. Harrington's fifth period history class only barely looked up from their history books to give each other bewildered and mystified looks. The only student that remained focused on their studies seemed to be Emma Rogers who seemed quite unbothered by the loud and random scream. It was almost as if she hadn't heard anything at all.

A few seconds later another scream rang out through the hallways followed by a series of loud sobs which caused Mr. Harrington to get up from his desk in concern. All the students murmured amongst each other as they tried to figure out what was going on. Mr. Harrington soon exited the classroom to see what was going on and told everyone to stay seated but of course no one did as they were told. They followed Mr. Harrington out to the hallway more with curiosity than concern because teenagers could really be morbid when they wanted to be.

"Aren't you coming?" Ned asked the blonde who was still sitting at her desk. Peter had been one of the first to leave the classroom after Mr. Harrington but he was perhaps the only one who was honestly concerned. Emma wouldn't put it past him to try and save the person who was screaming. Emma lazily glanced up from her book to look at Ned.

"Why?" She asked him and Ned looked at her as if it were obvious.

"Because there's someone crying for help out there and maybe you and Peter can help." Ned suggested and Emma just stared at him before finally rolling her eyes and reluctantly getting up from her seat.

"Fine. Whatever." Emma mumbled as she followed Ned out of the classroom. Truthfully she knew exactly what was going on and she wasn't very concerned to help the person in trouble. They stepped out into the hall and heard the continuing sobs as a great majority of students stood circled around the lockers. Ned watched in confusion as Emma just tilted her head to the side curiously.

"Someone's locked inside one of the lockers." Emma heard Sally say from in front of them. Ned turned to look at Emma with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, Emma! Did you heard that? Someone's locked inside the locker!" Ned exclaimed in shock and Emma scoffed.

"I'm not deaf, Ned." She snapped in an annoyed tone. Emma was just surprised that Ned was even speaking to her at all. She was pretty sure he was trying to stay loyal to Peter and not have it end up like last time when Ned violated whatever stupid guy code there was and took her to the school dance.

Emma watched curiously as the teachers rushed around, trying to figure out how to get the person out. She saw Peter standing towards the front of the crowd, looking very much like he wanted to save the day. Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. How absolutely chivalerous of him, she thought to herself sarcastically.

 Luckily, Peter seemed to be smart enough to know not to show off his powers in public. It seemed like the thought of the entire school knowing who he really was surpressed any urge to be the hero in this situation. Emma was glad he was finally thinking after all this time.

"Harrington, grab the fire extinguisher!" Emma heard Coach Wilson call out before the nervous looking man went scrambling for the fire extinguisher. The older man almost tripped over his feet as he went back to Coach Wilson. The gym teacher glared at the man before snatching the fire extinguisher out of his hands.

"Guess I have to do everything around here." Coach Wilson muttered before he started hitting the lock with the fire extinguisher. Emma watched boredly as it must've taken about five minutes for him to break the lock. Emma could've opened that locker in two seconds with her bare hands. Normal humans were so weak and pathetic. 

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