Chapter Fifty Four

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Emma didn't really know if she was supposed to feel different now that she and Peter were in a relationship. It was the next day but Emma kind of figured that her world might suddenly start to revolve completely around Peter. That's how it was for Mindy Lahiri in The Mindy Project, a show Darcy made her watch and a show that Emma would never admit to sort of enjoying. Those kinds of women were always a bit boy crazy so Emma kind of figured that some kind of magical spell would come over her and she'd suddenly be super obsessed with Peter. However, the truth was that Emma didn't feel much different than she had yesterday. Emma was still in love with Peter but she didn't think she was going to be one of those girls that texted their boyfriends a hundred times a day.


Emma was trying to get used to the new terminology that was being used in this situation. She still couldn't believe she agreed to be someone's girlfriend even if that person was Peter. She supposed Peter was just an exception to the promise she made to herself that she'd never get involved with someone. Emma knew she could've said no to their relationship becoming more than it was but she found that she didn't want that. She even found that a part of her might've even liked the idea of Peter being her boyfriend and no one else's. Emma supposed deep down she was a teenage girl, after all

I hope you're happy Steve, Emma thought to herself bitterly.

The blonde hadn't seen Peter since she left his apartment the night before. They shared a kiss or two before filling each other in on what they had missed out on in each other's lives while they were separated. Emma hadn't wanted to leave him but she knew that she'd see him at school the next day anyways. She had given him one last kiss goodbye before subsequently leaving his apartment and heading home, a giddy feeling overcoming her as she walked home in silence.

"Well, look at that." Darcy announced smugly as she and Jane walked into the kitchen. "Juliet's eating breakfast. Where's Romeo, Juliet?" Emma had gotten up early for the school day which may or may not have had something to do with her being more excited to see Peter than usual. Instead of glaring at Darcy like she normally would for that stupid comment, Emma just shrugged.

"I actually resent that comment. Romeo and Juliet is one of my least favorite Shakespeare plays. Very senseless and lame. Not to mention superficial." Emma remarked as she went back to eating her breakfast. Darcy just exchanged a look with Jane before smirking at the blonde.

"Well, aren't you bright and shining this morning." Darcy said teasingly. "Look, Jane, being in love is a good look on her. She's practically glowing with happiness." This time Emma did glare at Darcy.

"You told her?" Emma asked in annoyance, referring to Jane. "God, can't you ever keep anything to yourself."

"Nope." Darcy retorted before she sat down at the kitchen table with Jane following suit.

"Emma, it's perfectly fine that you're in love. Everyone falls in love eventually." Jane told Emma in an attempt to put the blonde at ease. "I'm happy that you have a boyfriend. It's totally normal to be dating at your age. I started becoming interested in boys when I was your age too. Of course, my education always took priority but..." Emma then tuned Jane out as she soon became bored with the older woman's constant rambling. Jane would make a really good college professor someday because she sure knew how to drone on and on. Emma even thought she was more boring to listen to than Mr. Harrington.

"Did you tell her everything?" Emma questioned and Darcy shrugged nonchalantly.

"Pretty much." Emma just shook her head in disbelief but didn't bother responding. Darcy glanced over Emma curiously, a question in her mind. "You know what I can't get over?"

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