Chapter Twenty Six

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Emma had finally reached the end of the school week. It wasn't as difficult as she thought it would be and the week passed by fairly fast. Most of the time she just focused on her studies and discussing books with Michelle. Emma was about half finished with 'It' so she mostly discussed all the events in the book with Michelle. It turned out that Emma had also turned Michelle into quite the Edgar Allan Poe fan. Emma was glad hear it.

Another thing that constantly was occupying her time was Peter Parker. Emma was highly suspicious of him and constantly observed all his strange little quirks every day. She had done some research on the internet, or in other words some light Facebook stalking since Emma didn't have McConaughey. Tony had taken her suit and the mask away, keeping it at the compound so Emma was forced to make do with what she had. Emma learned that he lived with his Aunt in an apartment that was most likely not that far from where her and Darcy lived. That was the most useful piece of information that she had learned about him. Everything else was stupid, useless bits of information like how excited he was for the new Star Wars movie as well as his disappointment in the casting of the new Deathnote movie. Like seriously...who gave a fuck? Peter Parker was seemingly the most uninteresting teenage boy around but Emma somehow highly doubted that. There was something off about him.

The subjects at school weren't challenging for her so it left her with plenty of time to do some Parker watching as she liked to call it. After watching him for a week and observing his behavior Emma had his whole routine pinned down. She noticed that he was also in her Spanish class so she felt his eyes on her for nearly the whole period. He eagerly answered questions left and right, volunteering his knowledge which made Emma deduce that he liked showing off subtlety...eager to please and happy to prove himself. His Spanish was also pretty good for an average teenager.

During lunch he'd discuss the latest episode of West World with Ned and sometimes he would even make polite conversation with Emma and Michelle. Another thing she had noticed, much to her amusement, was Peter's strange fixation with Liz Allan. The most popular girl in school and who Emma was also slightly familiar with. Emma had remembered that she had met the girl over two years before at Forever 21 when she was shopping with Darcy and Steve. Steve...Emma quickly snapped herself out of her thoughts.

Emma was really good with faces, more than the average human, so she could only hope that Liz didn't remember her. It seemed that Peter Parker had something akin to a crush on the older girl. It wasn't difficult for Emma figure that out within the first couple of minutes of her watching Peter's gaze over at Liz. That was definitely interesting.

"So you like older women?" Emma had asked him suddenly. They were all sitting at their usual lunch table when Emma had noticed that Peter was staring at the brunette, drool practically coming out of his mouth. Was he aware of how stupid he looked? It caused the teenage boy's eyes to widen before he blushed beet red. Ned snickered at Peter's reaction to Emma's question.

"Um...w-what are you t-talking about?" He stammered and Emma just gave him a knowing look as she smirked at him.

"You're more transparent than you even know." Emma told him as she gazed at him. Peter didn't know why but he felt funny when she looked at him like that. She stared at him with those beautiful blue eyes like she could see right through him. Wait...beautiful blue eyes? What was he even thinking. Emma was very beautiful, that much was obvious, but usually Liz was the girl who could get that kind of reaction out of him. Peter dismissed it as Emma just being the mysterious new girl that she was. "If you want to be less obvious perhaps you should wipe the drool off your chin." Emma said as Michelle snickered at the embarrassed look on Peter's face.

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