Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note: So now onto the Civil War storyline. Some exciting stuff coming up. Spider-Man will be making an appearance in about two chapters so hang tight.

Avengers Facility

Location: Upstate New York


"Why can't I go to the meeting?" Emma demanded as she walked alongside Steve who was headed to the recreational area of the facility. Apparently there was an urgent meeting being set up there by Tony. After the incident in Wakanda a couple of days earlier, the Secretary of State decided to drop in for a visit although Emma was sure that Secretary Ross wasn't just there to be friendly. No, this meeting seemed to be very something very urgent that Secretary Ross wanted to address now rather than later.

It had been a year since the events of Ultron and Emma was now fifteen years old. She had been living with the good guys now for around two years since they'd rescued her from that Hydra base. It had been long and tiring journey for Emma but she really thought she'd made a lot of progress in those two years. Her nightmares still occurred regularly and even more so since the witch made her relive them. Speaking of the witch...Emma had been livid to found out that the Avengers had accepted Wanda Maximoff into their team with open arms. Steve prepared her for the encounter between her and the witch after he had picked her up from Clint's house. On the way to the Avengers' Facility, that day, he had explained to her about everything that had transpired since the Avengers went to Seoul. Apparently Stark had created yet another life form which was an android named Vision. That bit of information took Emma a while to process and even more so when she came face to face with the purple colored android. Emma decided early on that she didn't like Vision. He didn't understand personal space and asked the most intrusive of questions. When Vision flew through one of the walls in her bedroom one day, she threatened to find a way to kill him and use the "pretty little gem" in his forehead as the center piece for a necklace. After that, Vision never entered her room again.

The next piece of information that Steve had explained to her on the way home was the matter of Wanda Maximoff. The Witch. It was no secret how much Emma despised the Sokovian girl after she had violated Emma's mind in the way she had . Steve told Emma to forgive the witch for her previous mistakes since she had since defected to their side and she had also lost her twin brother but Emma wasn't the forgiving sort. Once you crossed Emma, there was no chance of redemption in her eyes. What the witch had shown her was unforgivable and Emma hated the fact that there was someone out there who knew everything about her. Steve managed to convince her not to harm or kill the witch but that didn't stop Emma from glaring at the brunette in hatred and supplying her with one threat...a threat which would be the only words she ever spoke to the older girl. 'Don't get in my way and don't talk to me. If you tell anyone about what you saw than you're a dead little witch.' It was needlessly to say that Wanda didn't speak to her after that...only giving her sad looks that were filled with pity. Emma sincerely wanted to punch the look off her face but she resisted. Steve would be so disappointed.

"Because Ross doesn't even know that you exist and I'd like to keep it that way." Steve told her solemnly. "The guy doesn't have the strongest stomach when it comes to enhanced individuals. Bruce is evidence of that."

"I live here too, you know. I have just as much of a right to hear what's going on in that meeting." Emma replied with a frustrated tone. "Ross doesn't scare me."

"I don't want him to try and take you away from me." Steve explained. Emma realized that the look in his eyes was of fear. He was scared.

"He won't. I just hate being in the dark about everything." Emma said as she locked eyes with him. They had since paused in the hallway, knowing that this was a conversation that they needed to have now rather than later. "I didn't even know you guys went to Wakanda to apprehend to Rumlow until I found out that you didn't even get him...he escaped so he's still out there somewhere."

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