Chapter Forty: Part II

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As Peter was in the process of gluing the ship back together Emma was trying to evacuate the main deck of the ferry as fast as she could. She must've rescued twelve passengers from the main deck. There were a couple of families as well as a few loners that she managed to rescue. Peter was still shooting his webbing at both sides of the broken ship so Emma did her best to dodge the webbing whenever she placed another passenger on one of the higher decks. She had even rescued the group of criminals that had been knocked unconscious. The FBI agents eagerly took the criminals off her hands as they rounded them up and kept guard over them as the ship continued to fall apart. Emma had just gotten done rescuing a grandmotherly looking woman and her dog when she returned to the lower deck to look for any other passengers.

"Are there any other passengers left on the deck, McConaughey?" Emma questioned as she tried looking through car windows to see if there was anyone left. McConaughey did a quick scan of the area before the camera in her lenses zoomed in on an SUV towards the back of the deck.

"There appears to be one woman left in a Honda SUV. She's the last remaining passenger aboard the deck." McConaughey told her and Emma nodded to herself.

"Okay, I'm gonna go grab her before this place floods." Emma said and it was true. The place really was starting to flood. The water on the lower deck was to up to her knees as she tried to keep her balance on the moving half of the deck. It wouldn't be that much longer until the entire deck was underwater.

Emma then propelled herself off the ground and flew in the direction of the SUV. It was faster just to fly rather than wading through the water. The blonde landed right outside the SUV and looked in only to see a woman passed out cold in the driver's seat. At least Emma hoped she was only asleep. There hadn't appeared to be any casualties yet and she rather hoped that it stayed that way. Emma opened the door of the car and immediately checked the woman's pulse which was still steady. Good. She was alright. The woman was just unconscious for the time being. Emma immediately picked the woman up from out of the car and into her arms, not wasting anytime as she flew them off the deck and out of harm's way. Emma noticed that the woman looked to only be in her late twenties or early thirties at the most. Still young, Emma noted. It was a good thing she found her when she had.

Emma dropped the woman on the floor of the deck which seemed awaken the olive skin toned woman. It was when the woman opened her eyes to look at her that Emma immediately recognized her. Those honey brown eyes were too familiar to her and especially since this woman was part of an important moment in Emma's life. No, Emma would recognize those eyes from anywhere. Camila. It was true. This was the same woman Sam had her meet at the VA nearly two and half years before. She was the child soldier from Columbia that Emma had been able to relate to on some level.

"Daniel? Daniel?" She said in her thick Colombian accent as she looked around the ferry, her eyes still heavy from sleep. That's right, Emma recalled. Her husband's name was Daniel. Emma thought she remembered seeing Camila's husband that day at the VA. A nice looking man with blue eyes and brown hair.

"Relax. You're safe. We're trying to put the ship back together." Emma told her in a soothing voice, trying to keep the woman from panicking and passing out again. She figured that Camila probably passed out from a panic attack earlier when Emma found her. "Stay calm."

"No, no, no. Where's Daniel?! Where is he?!" Camila asked, sounding more hysterical as she glanced around the area. It was clear to Emma that Camila was wide awake now.

"Daniel? Your husband?" Emma asked her in confusion and Camila furiously shook her head.

"No. My little Daniel. My son." Emma's eyes widened as she heard Camila's admission. She suddenly remembered the prominent baby bump Camila had the last time she had seen her. The baby bump that made Emma curious and terrified at the same time. Curious at how Camila had managed to make a life for herself after everything but terrified at the prospect of ever having children. "We were heading back home to Staten Island when the...well, when the ship started coming apart."

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