Chapter Forty Three: Part I

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"See, I told you the ending's terrible." Steve Rogers told his granddaughter as they sat on the couch in the penthouse of Avenger's tower. Dozens of snacks were littered across the coffee table from Clint and Sam's earlier Xbox session. Steve and Emma had helped themselves to a bag of Chex Mix as they watched a film on TCM together.

"I don't think so." Emma replied as her eyes remained focused on the black and white movie. Steve raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the thirteen year old curiously.

"No?" He questioned.

"It's realistic. Rick and Ilsa were never going to end up together." Emma explained during the credits of Casablanca, a classic film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. "Ilsa was married to another man...that man also happened to be the leader of a resistance. Laszlo needed his wife more than Rick did."Steve gave Emma a surprised look.

"I didn't know you were a romantic, Emma." Steve asked almost teasingly and Emma scoffed.

"Of course I'm not. I'm just looking at this from a logical perspective. What good would it do anyone if Ilsa left her husband for Rick?" Steve shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, Rick and Ilsa would be happy together. That's worth something, isn't it?"Steve said to her and Emma shrugged.

"They'd be happy for a little while but Rick's right. She'd just end up resenting him eventually and he'd resent her in return." Emma told him truthfully.

"So you actually liked the ending?" Steve asked in disbelief. "Figures...this was Bucky's favorite movie too. Well, he also loved the Maltese Falcon but Casablanca really spoke to the romantic in him."

"Romantic?" Emma questioned.

"Bucky always had a thing for damsels in distress. He just could never find the right dame to settle down with." Steve answered and Emma rolled her eyes.

"I guess that was the way of thinking back then. Girls always had to have a Humphrey Bogart to save them." Emma said bitterly. "Men were turned off by anyone other than someone as delicate and fragile as Ingrid Bergman. What's attractive about a woman that doesn't need saving?"

"I never thought that way." Steve said quietly and Emma gave him a doubtful look.

"Never?" Steve just shook his head.

"No. How could I think that way about women when I was delicate and fragile myself? Your grandmother was the strongest person I ever knew, man or woman, and I respected that about her."Steve informed Emma, giving the teenager a lot to think about. Emma exhaled as she returned her gaze to the television.

"Well, you're a rare sort, Steve. I mean...just look at Stark and Thor." Emma told him. "Pepper and Jane are about as helpless as they come. They're both incredibly intelligent women but otherwise helpless."

"Are you worried that a boy won't like a girl who can handle herself...that no one would ever like you?" Steve teased and Emma glared at him.

"Don't be stupid."Emma hissed but Steve didn't look at all fazed by her cold glare. He gave her an amused smile as he affectionately rubbed her shoulder. Emma stiffened but she didn't remove his hand from her shoulder.

"Emma you don't need to be Ingrid Bergman because let's face're Bogart through and through. You're the hero of your own story... just like your grandmother. People are just going to have to accept that about you." Steve lectured and Emma just stared at him, not knowing whether or not to take him seriously.

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