Chapter Thirty Six

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"Fellow citizens of this great nation of ours." An older man in his mid twenties announced. Judging from his beret, Emma had to assume he was some sort of college student who was trying his hand at political activism. "We're standing here amongst you to make our voices heard as we protest against the totalitarianism known as the Sokovia accords! We ask that you join us in the fight to demand the freedom of Captain America and his faction of Avengers. Captain America who is practically the national symbol for our country. Captain America who represents freedom, justice, and liberty which is something that our government doesn't want us to have."

"I don't know if I really like that guy." Michelle stated as she looked over at the man leading the protest. Emma glanced at him too as he stood up on a bunch of wooden crates with a huge megaphone in his hand.

"It's the beret, isn't it?" Emma inquired.

"I think so." Michelle replied as she stood there next to Emma. The two teenagers had long since decided to participate in the Sokovia accords protest since they heard about it a week before. Michelle wanted to participate because she was all about government conspiracies and Emma wanted to participate because she hated Stark. Together Emma and Michelle had created their own protest signs. The signs weren't half bad either since Emma and Michelle were both talented artists. The pair were even wearing shirts from the 'Free the Avengers' line of clothing that had recently come out. The line of shirts was very popular and was sold in most department stores across the country. Emma had purchased her own 'Free Falcon' t-shirt with a picture of Sam in his Falcon gear stamped across it. Michelle was wearing a 'Free the Winter Soldier' shirt from the same line of clothing. Emma was a little amused to see the picture of her father stamped across the shirt. She hadn't wanted to buy the shirts with her father or Steve on them because she thought it would a little too much and this way it would definitely lead people off her trail.

"Why are you even here?" Emma asked her curiously. "I thought you said on the bus that you didn't like Captain America." Michelle just shrugged.

"I never said that I did or didn't like him." Michelle said, beginning to answer Emma's question, her tone fierce and strong. "I just don't like government control. The government tried to control the Avengers and when Captain America actually stood up to them they ran him out of the country. The thing with the Winter Soldier was just a diversion...they wanted Captain America to look like the bad guy for aiding an assassin but they actually wanted to snuff his voice out." Emma stared at dark haired girl with something akin to admiration. It was clear to Emma that even though Michelle pretended to be aloof and uncaring, she cared about things with more passion than anyone Emma had ever met. Maybe they were a lot alike in that way.

"So, why are you here? You've never struck me as the type to participate in political protests." Michelle asked Emma just as curiously. Emma chuckled lightly before she shrugged, looking around at all the other protesters and knowing how truly different she was from them. They were here because they wanted to protest something...Emma doubted that they actually cared what they were protesting about. Except Michelle that is. Emma was here for something else entirely even though she kept telling herself it was because she hated Stark. Well, that may have been part of the reason but only a really small part. Emma then returned her attention to Michelle as she locked eyes with her friend, a serious expression on her face.

"I'm here because a very brave and intelligent woman once said, compromise where you can but where you can't, don't." Emma started to say as Michelle listened intently to the blonde speak. "Even if everyone else is telling you that something wrong is something right...even if the whole world is telling you to move, it's your job to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and tell them move."

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