Chapter Twenty Seven

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Emma's weekend had been fairly boring. She mostly had just hung out in the lab at Empire State University while Jane and Darcy worked. Emma wasn't that interested in whatever theory Jane was working on. She had smirked when she had seen Dr. Betty Samson walk by, the doctor was giving a seminar at the college, and Emma was instantly reminded of Ross. Darcy just rolled her eyes at her when she noticed Emma staring at Banner's former love interest. That girl really needed more friends. Emma was sure that Ross was keeping his promise to hold back on his search for Steve and the others. The government had yet to track any of them down. Emma was glad to hear that.

She was so wrapped in thoughts of what Steve and the others were up to that she was taken by surprise as she started her second week of school. When she returned to school the following Monday she hadn't been expecting anything beyond another boring week of school. However, she was wrong when she received an e-mail from Mr. Harrington, on her school e-mail account, giving her an invitation to join the decathlon team. Apparently he had checked out her test scores from last year and saw how much she had aced each and every one of her tests. It made her the perfect candidate to join the decathlon team. Emma expressed her predicament with Michelle at lunch.

"I guess it would be cool if you joined the team." Michelle said casually as they ate lunch. "I mean it's pretty lame and all but at least it'll look good on college applications." Michelle told her and Emma raised an eyebrow at her.

"Wow...good way to sell me on it." She said sarcastically and the dark haired girl just smirked. Emma didn't really think she needed to join some squad of dorks so that it would look good on her college application. She probably wasn't going to go to college. As soon as Emma turned eighteen she was going to be out this place. She knew that Steve might be back before then but Emma wasn't going to rely on him. More than likely, Emma would have to go look for him and the others herself. Right now she lacked the resources and she was being strictly watched by Stark. When she was eighteen, however, Stark wouldn't be able to keep her there anymore.

"I tell it like it is." Michelle replied.

"Right...well, if this little club of yours is so lame, why would would I want to join?" Emma inquired.

"Like I said, it looks good on a college application." Michelle repeated and Emma just rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm not going to college so that doesn't apply to me." Emma told her and Michelle just shrugged.

"You're not going to college?" Peter asked from down the table. He was staring at Emma in shock, seeming slightly horrified at the prospect of not going to college. Ned was watching her as well but he didn't seem as bothered by the idea as Peter. Emma narrowed her eyes at Peter. This kid had a way of making her incredibly suspicious.

"Nosy much, Parker?" Emma sneered and Peter shook his head.

"Well, I was just wondering what you were planning to do after graduation if you're not going to college." Peter said, causing Emma to sigh. She didn't know why he was so nosy all the time. Couldn't he mind his own damn business? Emma was kind of being a hypocrite when saying that since she basically analyzed every move he made but that was different. Parker stalking was just a hobby of hers while she was at school so she could escape boredom. There definitely was something up with him but Emma doubted it was as important to her as finding Spider-Man.

"Oh, I don't know. I was thinking about backpacking across South America...maybe getting eloped with a random guy in some sort of tribal ritual where blood and hallucinogenic drugs are involved." Emma described in heavy detail as she made up the most ridiculous story from the top of her head. "My husband and I would then move to Paris where I would be a starving artist and he would try his hand at making cheese but then he'd lose his way and become addicted to heroin. I would sell all of my art just to contribute to his heroin addiction, not because I was supportive but just because I hated to see him cry." Peter and Ned just stared at Emma in bewilderment as she told them what she thought her future looked like. She was satisfied to see that it shut them up. Maybe Peter wouldn't be so nosy sometimes. Michelle stifled a giggled as she glanced at Emma from over her book.

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