Chapter Ten

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" quiet, princess. We wouldn't want anyone to hear us now, would we?"

"You look so much like your mother...I can see her in your cute little nose and those rosy pink lips."

"Don't cry. The pain won't last long, I promise."

Emma eyes shot open as she woke up from her nightmare. It was the same nightmare she had repeatedly been having for the past three months...ever since it happened. She didn't have the nightmare every night...just on the nights that she dreamed. Emma was forever grateful for the night where she was locked into a dreamless sleep. She could only pray for nights like those.

Emma calmed her breathing down as she sat up in her bed. The blonde looked up, expecting to see her tiny, shabby looking room back at the Hydra base but was met with a much different sight. Instead of the concrete floors and white walls, Emma was met with the sight of marble floors and glass windows that took up the entire wall. She stiffened when her memory started coming back to her. The Avengers invading the Hydra base...Barton and Romanoff.

Captain America.

Emma quickly surveyed her surroundings and deduced that she was in some sort of medical room. There was medical equipment all around her, making it look much more like a hospital room than any sort of random room the Avengers could've put her in. It was empty for the time being which Emma found odd. Why would the Avengers leave a Hydra assassin alone in a room without some kind of guard watching over her? Something felt a little off to the thirteen year old and Emma decided that she didn't like it one bit.

"It's good to see that you've finally awoken from your rest, Miss Rogers. Might I ask how you're feeling?" A British voice inquired and Emma narrowed her eyes as she searched for whoever it was that was speaking. She couldn't spot anyone in the room with her and it also sounded like the voice was coming from the ceiling. How odd.

"Where are you?" She demanded in a hostile tone.

"I am Jarvis, Mr. Stark's Artificial Intelligence system." The voice told her. "Do I need to call for medical assistance, Miss Rogers, your heart rate has elevated at an alarming rate."

"I know what my heart rate is!" She hissed although she felt kind of stupid for being angry with something that wasn't even a real human being. "I don't need some computer to tell me that."

"Very well. Since you're awake I shall alert Dr. Banner and Dr. Cho right away." Jarvis told her. Emma couldn't help but wonder if his tone sounded a little offended when she had spoken to him like that. Wait...should she even refer to him as a he if he was, in fact, an artificial intelligence system. Emma wasn't entirely sure who Jarvis was talking about but she needed to prepare herself for the worst possible outcome. She wasn't about to let another couple of scientists experiment on her like Hydra did. Emma was new to these people so they would probably have to start all over and she simply refused to be put through that again.

Emma watched intently as two people made their way into the room, both of them pausing when they saw her sitting up in her bed. It was a man and a woman. The woman looked very petite and small...delicate looking and Asian, Emma noted. Her skin was like porcelain, her eyes a soft brown color and her hair just as dark. The woman only looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties at the most. She knew that it wouldn't be difficult taking the woman down if she had to.

The man, on the other hand, was a bit more sturdy looking although he still looked very soft. Not at all muscular like Barton and Captain America. The man had a slight tint to his skin, proving that he had spent a lot of time in warmer climates. His hair was a dark brunette with unruly curls and streaks of gray that made him look a little older than he actually was. Emma guessed that he was probably in his mid forties. His eyes looked to be a warm, comforting sort of brown but Emma knew better than to trust someone just because their eyes looked kind. The man offered her a kind smile as he walked into the room and looked at her.

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