Chapter Forty Eight: Part I

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Author's Note: So sorry it's taken me forever to update this story. I have like thirty more chapters after this one finished but I've been occupied updating new chapters on the up to date version of 'Some Things Never Sleep' on If you want to read that version it's on the website and it goes by the same name. I'm also thinking of making an alternate universe version of this story where it's a Tom Holland and the actress who plays Emma fanfic. I haven't written a celebrity fanfic in forever but it sounds like it would be fun to write but I don't know. Let me know what you think. I literally have so many AU fanfic ideas for Emma and Peter. 

Don't it feel like that night was from a dream

I've never felt nothing like that

Looking at you, looking right back

You say nothing is ever as good as it seems

Stop running your mouth like that

Cause you know I'm gonna give it right back

You're so close now

So don't let me down

Give me a little of your love

-Little of Your Love by HAIM

Queens, New York
Present Day

Two weeks.

It had been two weeks since the night May Parker showed up at the compound and raised hell yet everything had managed to be okay. Two weeks and Emma was still trying to hide her true feelings from Peter Parker. Things had relatively gone back to normal when she returned to Queens after her week long stay at the compound. Her and Darcy were back to their usual routine at the townhouse with Jane occasionally joining them for breakfast before work. Stark and her had also worked out all their differences. They still bickered like usual but that was just what their relationship was like.

Now back to the matter that was Peter Parker.

Emma really didn't know how to describe how she and Peter were doing. They went to school together, spent a few hours of crime fighting together, and spent weekends together at the compound. She supposed she never thought how hard it was going to be for her to be around Peter so much when she was in love with him. Not that he had any idea about that. They were just friends in her eyes and Emma supposed that was better than nothing. She'd rather be his friend than be a stranger to him.

"What are you thinking about?" Emma turned her head immediately to the side only to notice Michelle staring back at her with a bored look on her face. They were in their first period English class, reading their assigned book for the semester. Emma was snapped out of her thoughts as she raised an eyebrow questioningly at her friend.

"What?" She asked and Michelle shrugged nonchalantly.

"You just kind of had a stupid look on your face for a moment there so I was just wondering what you were thinking so hard about." Michelle quipped and Emma glared at the frizzy haired girl.

"None of your damn business." Emma snapped at her before returning her attention back to her book. Michelle wasn't the least bit offended by the blonde's behavior. She had been friends with Emma long enough to be used to her unpredictable behavior. Although Michelle had to admit that Emma seemed off as of lately. She seemed to be fidgety and nervous at times which was something that Emma Lewis wasn't really known for. It also didn't escape her notice that Emma seemed somewhat more laidback and relaxed although she did have her moments when she acted grumpy and unpleasant. Michelle wasn't sure why but Emma's attitude seemed to be all over the place these days.

There was also the fact that the blonde had been spending more and more time with Peter. Weirdly enough, Emma and Michelle had actually made a habit of sitting right next Peter and Ned at lunch instead of at the other end of the table. Michelle didn't understand how one moment Emma could be pissed at Peter, for a reason she never really explained, and then be best friends with him the next minute. Emma Lewis seemed to be a mystery that no one could really figure out. Well...Michelle thought she had figured out one part of Emma at least but she was currently just keeping that discovery to herself until she decided to finally confront the blonde about her suspicion.

"Class, if you can just flip to page 237 of A Farewell to Arms." The teacher announced as all the students did as they were told. Emma obediantly did as she was requested as well but only because A Farewell to Arms was her favorite Ernest Hemingway book. This was about the fourth time she had read it. Emma still remembered the first time she read the book. She had binge-read the entire book the first time time around. There was something remarkably beautiful about the story even though it was probably one of the most tragic romances she had ever read. A part of her understood why Bradley Cooper had thrown the book through the second story glass window in Silver Linings Playbook but Emma also understood that some things just didn't work out. Not every story had a happy ending.

Just look at Emma's parents.

The rest of the English class was spent answering a questionnaire about the chapter they were currently on. Emma filled in the questionnaire in no time and spent the rest of the class period listening to Portugal. The Man's latest album while she read the next chapter of the book. She chewed on her bottom lip in anticipation as she read the next chapter. Emma knew what happened in the chapter but the feelings she felt when she first read it never lessened the fourth time she read it. The bell ringing slightly surprised her as she was suddenly jolted out of the world of Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley. She quickly stuffed her book inside her backpack before she and Michelle left the class together. A leftover feeling of sadness filled her from reading the book.

It was then that Emma spotted none other than Peter Parker walking down the hall towards them with Ned at his side. He had that same goofy smile on his face that Emma adored. The moment she caught sight of his smile the feeling of sadness left her. A feeling akin to elation replaced the sadness as her heart beat a little faster at seeing him. Emma had just seen him the night before when they did their usual rounds in Queens but somehow she felt excited at seeing him again.

Peter and Ned stopped in front of her and Michelle in the middle of the hall. Ned and Michelle both watched the brown haired boy and blonde girl as the two stared at each other. Even Ned and Michelle could feel the tension between the two and it wasn't angry tension like it had been with them before. was a different kind of tension. Peter and Emma both blushed as they realized that they had been staring at each other for longer than a couple seconds. Peter coughed awkwardly as he struggled to find something to say to Emma. It always seemed like he was speechless around her these days. He never knew what to say to her without sounding like an idiot.

" was English?" Peter finally was able to ask and blushed a darker shade of red as he realized he was doing the very thing he tried not to do which was saying something stupid. Emma gave him a small smile that reached her ocean blue eyes.

"It was fine." She answered as she shrugged. "We just answered the questionare about A Farewell to Arms. I'd say more but I wouldn't want to bore you talking about my love for Hemingway." Peter gave her a soft smile as he stared at her with adoring eyes.

"You're not boring. I like hearing you talk about Hemingway." Peter told her softly and Emma locked eyes with him, not sure how to feel about what Peter told her. She suddenly felt very warm and the familiar feeling of butterflies in the pit of her stomach returned. Ned raised an eyebrow at his best friend because he remembered Peter once saying how boring he thought English class was. Since when was Peter Parker suddenly interested in Ernest Hemingway? Ned and Michelle both gave the pair weird looks as Emma and Peter stared at each other. It seemed like those two lived in a world of their own sometimes.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever this is but can we go to Spanish class already?" Michelle asked tiredly. "We're going to be late." Emma and Peter both snapped out of their moment as they both glanced over at Michelle and Ned. Peter blushed again while Emma ignored the look on their faces.

"Right..." Peter trailed off awkwardly. "I'll walk with you guys to class then." Michelle just raised an eyebrow at the weird teenager. Peter walking with Emma and Michelle to class seemed to be a regular occurrence lately. Somehow Michelle figured that it wasn't because he suddenly wanted to listen to Emma and her discuss their favorite books. No, it was something else entirely.

"I have to get to my French class. I'll see you third period, Peter." Ned told his friend before turning around a corner and walking down a different hallway, leaving the three teenagers alone. It didn't take long before Emma and Michelle were in a deep discussion about the complexties of Virginia Woolfe. Peter didn't have anything to say as they talked because he barely knew who Virginia Woolfe was but he didn't mind. There was a smile on his face as he listened to Emma talk about one of her many favorite authors. She was so passionate whenever she talked about books. It warmed Peter's heart to know that the always serious and cynical Emma Rogers was actually a bookworm. He loved that about her.

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