Chapter Eight

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It had been three weeks since the battle over the Potomac River had ended and Natasha had leaked all of Hydra and Shield's files over the internet. Steve had been hoping to find out more about Bucky from the leak as well as the mysterious Viper Assassin but he had come up empty handed. All he had was the file that Natasha gave him on the Winter Soldier but all of their leads turned up cold. Steve had tried getting something from Natasha on the Viper Assassin but she had said that she gave him all the information she had...Which was almost nothing.

Steve had decided to leave Washington D.C., tired of reminder of Hydra and Shield, returning to New York to live in Avenger's Tower with the rest of the team. The team had all seemingly moved into the tower together which was a first for them. There were times when one or two of them occupied the tower but never at the same time. Stark had given Steve his own floor of the tower, a suite that was much too large for him, and a big bed that was equally as large but much too soft for his liking.

Everything had seemingly slowed down now that Steve had returned to the tower. Thor had returned from Asgard after the weird space elf incident in London and Tony had returned after the Mandarin attack. Steve had returned after the fall of Shield and Hydra leak but now he was finding it more and more difficult to return to normal. What was normal, anyways? Steve didn't think normal existed in his life. There was no room for normal. Steve was only a little regretful of moving all the way to New York which was a distance away from Peggy in D.C. He still visited her on the weekend, even though it broke his heart more and more each time he saw her, but it would've been nice to be closer to her.

Steve still remained in close contact with Sam who was now following up on a lead in Russia. Apparently in the search for Bucky, Sam was equally as devoted to finding him as Steve was. Steve couldn't be more grateful but he guessed that's what friends were for. Even Stark was trying to help locate Bucky and he didn't even consider them to be that close. Steve almost didn't know if wanted him to help considering what happened with Tony's parents and Bucky's involvement in that. It seemed wrong but Steve didn't want to tell him. He was afraid that Stark would go looking for Bucky out of revenge rather than friendship.

"Captain Rogers." Jarvis called out. Steve was sitting in the living room, of his suite, on one of luxurious couches that Stark had placed in there. He was currently reading Brooklyn a book about an Irish immigrant moving to Brooklyn, New York during the 1950s. The book reminded him of the Brooklyn he used to know...A Brooklyn that was now long gone. Steve looked up from the book and stared at the ceiling. He needed to look somewhere because it felt weird just staring into space when he was being addressed.

"Yes, Jarvis?"

"A package has arrived for you in the lobby, sir." The British AI system told him and Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. A package? He didn't order anything. Sometimes he received fan letters or care packages from fans but that was only after Pepper looked them over, making sure that the letters or packages didn't contain any chemical powders. What was weird was that Jarvis was personally telling him that he had a package.

"A package?"

"Yes, sir. I thought the package looked much different than your usual mail so I took it upon myself to scan the contents." Steve swallowed nervously as he continued staring at the ceiling.

"Yes? And what did you find?"

"The package appears to contain a flash drive." Steve was dumbfounded. A flash drive? Honestly, Steve was a little tired of flash drives after the whole Hydra incident. "The package doesn't seem to contain any explosives or chemical powders. According to my diagnostics it's completely safe."

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