Chapter Forty Two

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The plan she had to run away was simple. She wasn't going to tell anyone where she was going let alone the fact that she was leaving in the first place. It would probably be better that way so she didn't have to make any awkward goodbyes. The only question was when would be the right time to leave? Emma figured maybe some time next week would be the best or maybe even as soon as the weekend. It's not like Emma needed much to run away. All she really needed was some personal items that included her beloved photographs, sketchbook, and her iPod. The rest of everything else was just materialistic. In all honesty she probably needed to get rid of her Stark phone in case Stark decided to track her. What Emma considered her most useful super power was her survival instinct. With her survival instinct she didn't need anything because she'd be able to find a way to survive. She always found a way to survive.

It was finally Friday and Emma was surprised that the week passed by so fast. Emma felt a little awkward seeing Peter in Spanish class second period because she didn't really know how she was supposed to act around him. Instead she just avoided looking at him which was easy to do since he sat behind her. Michelle didn't waste anytime taking notice of Emma's even stranger behavior. Emma seemed unusually tense but thankfully Michelle didn't question Emma about her weird behavior this time. She told herself that she was going to be fine because it wasn't like she was going to stick around long enough to be around Peter anymore. No, pretty soon she'd be far away from there and wouldn't have to worry about her feelings pertaining to a certain brown eyed boy. Emma would be gone from Queens and on a new adventure as she started tracking down Steve and the other Avengers. That was going to be her main priority for now and the only thing that deserved her attention. This attachment that she had to Peter would only serve to ruin her if she stayed. Her time was best served tracking down the others. That was the only thing that should matter to her right now.

After discovering her feelings towards Peter, Emma decided that it would be best to avoid him even more than before. She didn't even spend lunch in the cafeteria this time around and instead ate her lunch in the library as she read one of her books. In all honesty she wasn't really reading the book but instead putting together a very thorough and thought out plan. Emma had to devise a plan in order for her to have a head start against Stark and the others. She'd need several hours before she could get out of the country. Once she was out of the country then it would become very difficult for Stark to locate her. Emma just needed to find a way to buy enough time for her to leave before Stark could catch up. If he even cared enough to try, that is. Emma was suddenly interrupted from her thoughts as she noticed someone sit across from her as they plopped their tray down on the table. She glanced up from her book and was surprised to see Ned of all people sitting there. Well...this was interesting.

"Do you need something, Leeds?" Emma questioned as she narrowed her eyes at him. Ned gulped once he felt those blue eyes on him, giving him a cold and calculating look. Okay, he could do this. Emma wasn't that scary. Well...that was sort of a lie. As cool and badass as Emma was, Ned didn't know how Peter could hang out with her so much sometimes. She was slightly terrifying

"I just thought I'd have lunch with you today. Michelle told me I could find you here." Ned told her and Emma just gave him a suspicious look, not really knowing why he was there.

"Why aren't you sitting with Parker? I thought you were his sidekick." Emma said snarkily and Ned ignored her rude comment before answering her. Peter wasn't kidding when he said she was being bitchier than usual. Well...Peter hadn't said bitchier but Ned was just paraphrasing his words.

"Peter's actually sitting with Liz and her friends today. They're kind of annoying so I thought I'd sit with you instead." Ned explained and Emma felt that familiar pang of jealousy wash over her as she visibly remained uncaring about Ned's statement. This was why she had to leave. She was becoming emotionally compromised the more time she spent there.

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