Chapter Twenty Three

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Author's Note: Just letting you know that Peter will be back in Chapter Twenty Five so not to worry. Thanks and let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcomed.

Emma sat in the interrogation room of the Raft Prison with a stoic expression on her face. She had been counting the minutes since she had arrived and determined that she had been sitting there for nearly seventeen hours. There was a couple of brief bathroom breaks of course but Emma had been there for a while and she was bored. There had been some agents that had come into the room to interrogate her but Emma had the feeling that she wasn't dealing with the top brass. It was fine. She had been subjected to plenty of pretend interrogations with Hydra and they had trained her exactly for a situation like this one. The only difference was that she had been locked inside a interrogation room for four days then.

As soon as Stark cuffed her he had led her back to the others who had also been cuffed. Emma remembered looking behind herself at all the destruction that they caused to the airport. Instead of just noticing all the debris and fires, however, she noticed Spider-Man standing there watching her. They must've stared at each other for a couple of minutes before Emma was suddenly urged to step into an unmarked aircraft. It had been clear to her then that where ever they were going, they couldn't get there by car. Still...Emma curiously wondered about Spider-Man or Spider-Twerp as she had called him. The subject of Spider-Man is actually what kept Emma occupied inside the interrogation room as she waited for the person in charge to speak with her.

Emma wondered who he was...Spider-Man that is. Where did Stark find him? What was he capable of? And more importantly...she wondered how he could overpower her like he had. It seemed like he would remain a mystery to her for a while or at least until she got out of this place. Emma was brought out of her thoughts when the door suddenly opened. It had been five hours since the last guy came in. Emma knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to wait her out until she was ready to talk. Fat chance of that happening. Emma was an incredibly patient person.

It was an older looking man that walked through the door. His hair probably used to be dark but it had since grown gray with age. She saw a ridiculous looking mustache that Emma summed up as him wanting to look like some sort of cowboy or Sam Elliot. He miserably failed there. Emma immediately realized that this man was Thaddeus Ross. The Secretary of State. The idiot who had actually gotten the idea of the Sokovia Accords into Stark's brain.

"Hello, Viper." Ross said as he smiled at her before sitting in the seat across from her. Emma could tell that his smile was forced. It looked just like the smile Pierce used to give he knew everything about her. Emma decided then that she immensely disliked Ross. "Or do you prefer Emma?" Emma just gave him a blank look as he looked at her. "Yes, I know all about you, Miss Rogers. Tony finally decided fill us in on you...just the people who matter. Don't worry, the public is still oblivious that Captain America's granddaughter is also the Viper Assassin. They're also oblivious to the fact that you're even alive." He continued to tell her.

"Why did you send a bunch of your lackeys to interrogate me if you were just going to do the job yourself?" Emma asked, ignoring everything Ross just told her. She wanted to show him that she wasn't affected by what he just said. It did bother her that he knew who she was but she wasn't about to let him know that.

"I just wanted to see how forthcoming with information you are." Ross replied. Emma raised an eyebrow.

"How did that work out for you?" Emma inquired.

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