Chapter Thirty One

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Emma had her earbuds in as she listened to Bjork on her dated iPod. She was sprawled out on her bed, listening to the Icelandic songstress but at the same time not listening to the singer. Her thoughts completely encompassed the new task at hand which was Peter Parker. If she was being honest she didn't really know how to deal with the teenager. Part of her was a bit excited to have found someone enhanced who was also the same age as her but another part of her was starting to think that this might be something like babysitting. Emma and Peter were the same age but Emma thought like someone over twice her age. Peter, however, was still clearly a teenager both physically and mentally. She wished that Steve and her father were there to tell her what to do. About how to work with someone like Peter.

Emma knew that she was going to have to basically train him from scratch since it didn't look like Stark put any effort into training the amateur hero. Like always it seemed like someone was going to have to clean up Stark's mess and this time that person was Emma instead of the other Avengers. It wasn't a completely terrible situation for Emma because she knew there was something that Peter could teach her as well although she would never admit that. If Peter was an expert at anything then it was navigating his moral compass. Emma wasn't even sure she had a moral compass. After so many years of doing Hydra's bidding she wasn't sure what was good or bad anymore. There were some things that were obvious to her but other things that Emma wasn't quite sure of. Usually she would have Steve there to guide her because he was the leading expert on right and wrong but he wasn't there to show her the way. Emma was afraid of what it would mean if she had to decide what was right or wrong herself. She needed someone else to show her the way and that person could be Peter.

Emma was snapped out of her thoughts she felt her Stark phone vibrate in her pocket. It was the morning after Emma's confrontation with Peter so the only people who could possibly be texting her right now was the boy in question. She had sent him a text last night which left him bewildered as to how she had gotten his phone number. Let's just say that McConaughey was especially good at his job. She took the phone out of her pocket and quickly read the text message to herself.

Peter: Can we talk at my apartment?

Emma didn't waste anytime replying to his text as she wondered what Spider-Twerp wished to discuss. Her fingers quickly typed out the text message before she hit send.

Emma: Sure. When?

Emma only waited a minute before Peter sent her a response. She raised an eyebrow as she read the message, a bit curious as to what made Peter so urgent.

Peter: Now.

Emma just rolled her eyes before she got up from the bed, grabbing her backpack and heading out of her bedroom. She had been ready for school for hours, unable to sleep the night before, so she would be able to arrive at Peter's apartment with plenty of time to spare. Emma walked downstairs in no particular rush as she mentally prepared herself for another confrontation with Peter. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she spotted Darcy drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table as the brunette's eyes were glued to her phone. She was probably playing candy crush again, Emma noted. The brunette smiled at her as she looked up from her phone.

"Good morning. Did you sleep good?" Darcy asked her and Emma shrugged as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Not really. I had a lot of things on my mind last night." Darcy nodded before giving Emma a curious look.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with Spider-Boy, would it?" Darcy asked and Emma only smiled.

"Maybe. It turns out that he might actually be a good ally." Emma said vaguely and Darcy smirked.

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