Chapter Fifty Three: Part I

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It had been about a week and half since the argument between Emma and Peter. During that time they hadn't spoken much which absolutely killed Emma. It's not like she didn't try to talk to Peter but he seemed to avoid her at all costs. He only talked to her when he had to which was mostly in history class at school but even then he was short and to the point. Peter didn't seem to be his talkative self as usual. During weekends at the compound he mostly stayed cooped up in his bedroom and made it clear that he only wished to train with Maria. Not her.

The others knew something was going on with them but when Tony tried to get her to open up to him, Emma told him to fuck off. She didn't need his insight and she most certainly didn't need his teasing and annoying comments if she told him what really happened. Emma was just trying to pretend like nothing happened and hoping that things could go back to the way they were but it wasn't working. Peter wasn't talking to her and he even suggested that they spend some time apart. Emma still remembered the conversation the following Monday after their fight.

"We should keep watch over the area where all those grocery store hold ups are happening. Hopefully we'll get lucky." Emma told Peter as they did their usual rounds around Queens. Instead of happily responding to Emma's suggestion, like he normally would, Peter remained silent. The tension between them was still thick and Emma wasn't sure what to do about it aside from ignore it.

"Maybe you should keep watch over that area and I'll keep watch over the area where all the car jackings are happening." Peter suggested quietly and Emma stared at him incredulously.

"What?" She asked in confusion. "Are you saying we should split up?" Peter shrugged.

"I just think we'll cover more ground that way." Peter told her. "I'm thinking about this from a logical perspective, of course."

It sounded something more like something Emma would say. Logical Perspective. She couldn't help but be annoyed at him in that moment because she knew this wasn't about covering more ground. Of course, Emma knew it was more rational to split up but she never voiced that opinion. Why? Well, that was because she actually enjoyed spending time with Peter on missions. She liked being with him which was why she never made the suggestion before. Emma sighed.

"Peter, is this still about the other night?" Emma asked him bluntly and Peter turned away from her.

"No." He said childishly.

Emma was still undecided over whether or not she should tell him. She knew he felt the same so why was she so scared? Maybe it was because Emma was afraid of change. She liked the way things were with Peter and she didn't want things to get weird between them if she told him she reciprocated his feelings. Emma knew that he'd probably want an actual relationship with her and he'd probably try to date her because dating was something kids their age did.

Eventually he'd grow tired of her and realize how much baggage she had. Trying to fix her wouldn't be enough for him anymore and he'd inevitably dump her for someone normal and undamaged like Betty Brant. Emma was sure they wouldn't be friends after that and she didn't want that. She considered Peter to be her best friend, maybe even more so than Steve or her father, and nothing terrified her more than losing him.

"I don't want things to change." Emma told him, hoping to get her point across. She could see from the white lenses in his mask that his eyes were narrowed into a glare as he looked down at the ground.

"It's too late, Emma. Things have already changed." Peter said bitterly, still not looking at her. Emma wished he'd stop avoiding her gaze. Why couldn't he just look at her?

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