Chapter Forty Three: Part II

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"Flash's car?" Emma questioned before looking back at Peter, mischief in her eyes. "I could kiss you, Parker." Peter immediately blushed from underneath his mask, thanking God that Emma couldn't see his blush. He cleared his throat awkwardly and Emma awarded him with an amused look.

"It's a fast car and it'll get us where we need to go in no time." Peter said quietly and Emma raised an eyebrow.

"Am I driving or are you driving?" Emma asked him.

"I'll drive. You drove last time so it's only fair." Peter replied, trying to seem cool and nonchalant. In all honesty Peter really didn't know how to drive that well but he didn't want Emma doing everything like last time. He could do some stuff too.

"Sure." Emma agreed before giving Peter a devious smile. It was odd how there was so much tension between them a short time ago and now it was like they were back to normal. Almost like an unspoken spell of forgiveness fell over them. "Let's get the car then."

Peter immediately dropped down from the building with little to no hesitance and Emma flew down after him. He landed on the car with a loud thump surprising both Flash and his date so much that they both screamed in unison. Flash immediately stopped the car as Emma landed a short distance away. She casually walked up to the car as Flash looked between her and Peter in both fear and surprise.

"Flash, I need your car and your phone." Peter said as he disguised his voice.

"Uh...sir, technically, this is my dad's car, sir." Flash said as he weakly protested. Emma glared at the stupid boy, feeling beyond impatient at this point. It didn't help that she didn't like Flash at all either. "So I can't-"

"Get out of the fucking car!" Emma snarled and Flash's eyes widened before he quickly nodded. The look on the Viper Assassin's face made it clear that she wasn't up for negotiating.

"Of course, Miss Viper Assassin...anything you want." Flash said as he immediately got out of the car along with his date. He tossed his phone back into the car and backed away as Spider-Man immediately got into the driver's side and the Viper Assassin got into the passenger's side. She smirked from under her mask as she saw the amount of fear in Flash's eyes as he watched both herself and Peter steal his car.

What a spineless moron.

Peter immediately grabbed a hold of the steering wheel before turning the car around to head in the opposite direction. Emma immediately grabbed onto the edge of her seat as Peter made the turn on a little fast, causing the car jerk around a little uncontrollably. She stared at Peter but flinched when he hit a bunch of bikes on the side of the road. What was up with his driving? Assuming that Peter was just a little panicked, Emma decided to put her uneasy feelings behind herself and try to find out more about the situation.

"You said that Liz's dad is Birdman?" Emma inquired and Peter looked over at her as he made a turn very fast. Emma's grip tightened against the edge of her seat. "Do we know what he wants exactly?"

"I don't know. He just said that if we interfere in his business again that he'll kill us and everyone we care about." Peter told her but Emma didn't appear at all fazed by what Peter told her. She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Is that the best he's got? He's going to have to do a little bit better than that." Emma said bitterly as she watched the road ahead of them. "Sounds to me like he's more of a business man than a politician."

"What does that mean?" Peter asked her.

"It means that his agenda isn't political...he doesn't care about taking over the world. He just wants money." Emma responded. "He kind of makes for a boring villain actually. The world domination sort are always more interesting." Peter looked over at her, a small smile on his face although Emma couldn't see his smile. He felt a feeling of warmth wash over him as he continued to stare at her.

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