Chapter Forty One

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"Miss Lewis, you seem like a level headed young woman." Principal Morita told Emma as she sat in the principal's office the next day. Last night she had slept the hardest she had ever slept in her life. She supposed crying that much would do something like that. So much had happened the day before that Emma was still trying to process everything...she was still trying to figure out what she was going to do. Needing time to figure out her next move, Emma had also been ignoring all of Peter's texts and calls. Emma wanted to answer his calls and texts but she didn't know how. She didn't know what to say to him or how to hide the embarrassment she felt that he had seen her in one of her most vulnerable states.

"So I can't understand your actions. First, leaving your hotel room in D.C. and now ditching detention. Do you care to explain yourself, Miss Lewis?" Principal Morita asked Emma seriously and Emma just shrugged as she feigned a regretful look.

"I don't know, Principal Morita. I suppose that it's just been tough moving away from home and trying to fit in." Emma told him in a soft tone, playing the part of a guilty and lost teenage girl. "I've been having kind of a hard problem with trying to find my place here but that in no way excuses my behavior." This was who she was. Emma wasn't a hero and she never would be. She was a manipulator and a talented liar...she was what Hydra had made her to be. She'd never be able to wipe the red out of her ledger because there was too much red there. The idea that she could be anything more than what Hydra made her was laughable.

"I can understand that but if you were having problems trying to assimilate here at Midtown, you could've talked to one of the counselors." Principal Morita told her and Emma looked down at her hands, pretending to be ashamed.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like discussing my personal problems with strangers." Well, at least that part was true.

"Just don't let this happen again, Miss Lewis." Principal Morita said in a stern tone but his eyes were compassionate as he looked at the blonde. Emma nodded. "You seem like a good kid so I'll give you another chance. Just report to detention after school but actually stay this time."

"Of course, Principal Morita." Emma said gratefully and he gave her a small smile.

"Now get to class. We can't have you be late on top of everything else." He replied and Emma immediately got up from the seat in front of his desk.

"Thank you." Emma responded as her eyes rested on one of the pictures placed on his wall. It was the picture of Steve, her father, and the rest of the Howling Commandos. She felt her heart clench at the sight as she was just reminded yet again of their absence. It seemed like everywhere she looked these days she was reminded of them. Emma would give anything just to be back with the both of them again. She didn't let the sadness show in her eyes as she started heading towards the door.

"Could you send the next student in, Miss Lewis?" Principal Morita asked her politely and Emma forced a smile as she nodded.

"Yes. Have a nice day, sir." Emma told him and he gave her a quick smile as she opened the door.

"You too." Emma then proceeded to walk out of the Principal's office and stepped out into the hallway. She took a deep breath as she stood out in the hallway. It seemed to be getting harder and harder for Emma to keep herself together these days. If seeing a picture of Steve and her father managed to make her feel this terrible then she was clearly losing her touch. What was happening to her? She used to be so amazing at hiding everything but now it seemed to be a real struggle for her to do so.

"Emma?" Emma immediately turned to look and noticed Peter sitting in one of the chairs outside the Principal's office. She wanted to roll her eyes. It looked like it was going to be way harder to avoid him than she previously thought. Peter stared at her with a look of concern in his eyes. The look of concern in Peter's eyes made Emma uncomfortable because she knew he had questions. Questions that Emma really didn't feel like answering.

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