Chapter Forty Seven

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Part III: Little of Your Love

Shield Headquarters

Location: Manhattan, New York


'Cover me with kisses, baby'

'Cover me with love'

'Roll me in designer sheets'

'I'll never get enough'

'Emotions come, I don't know why'

'Cover up love's alibi'

'Call me (call me) on the line'

'Call me, call me any, anytime'

'Call me (call me) oh my love'

'When you're ready we can share the wine'

'Call me'

Margot Pierce bobbed her head along to 'Call Me' by Blondie as she made her way into Shield headquarters, flashing her badge at the security guard positioned at the front entrance. She greeted him, giving him a kind smile as she said good morning. The building was a little flashy for the redhead's liking but she guessed that's the way Director Fury liked it. Margot took a long sip from her coffee as she entered the elevator of the building and pressed the button for the sixteenth floor. A bunch of other Shield agents piled into the elevator and Margot greeted them with a small smile before she let herself become lost in the lyrics again. There wasn't anyone she was especially friendly with in the elevator so she saw no need to tear herself away from her music. While she was usually a pretty social person with anyone around, she was a little too caught up in her music to want to engage in any small talk in an elevator at the least that was until someone spoke up from beside her.

"Is that a level seven issued badge?" Jasper Sitwell asked curiously from the left of her. The thirty five year old woman lifted one headphone off her ear as raised her eyebrows at him, indicating that she hadn't heard him. Margot honestly didn't know Jasper Sitwell that much. He was a rather young Shield agent who had only joined the agency the year before. She recognized him as one of Phil Coulson's trainees.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help but notice that your badge says level seven now." Jasper repeated, blushing as he did so. The young agent was at least a decade younger than Margot but he was very much in awe of the almost legendary Shield agent. She had made quite the name for herself in the ten years she had been working at Shield. Margot laughed nervously, scrunching up her nose in a cute way when she laughed, before glancing momentarily at the glossy card that displayed her Shield ID which was now complete with her new clearance level.

"Yeah. I just got it last week." Margot replied and Jasper nodded before looking slightly frustrated with himself.

"And to think I'm still on level three." Jasper muttered to himself and Margot gave him a sympathetic look. She knew what it was like just starting out in Shield. You so badly wanted to progress and advance enough to start doing field missions. It was frustrating being on the sidelines.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Jasper." Margot told him reassuringly. "You're only in your first year and you've already gotten to level three. It took me two and a half years before I got to level three. You'll do great here." Jasper smiled at the kind and friendly redhead. It was well known around headquarters how incredibly friendly and chatty Margot Pierce was. She was a fair contrast to the other Shield agents who were always stoic and serious. Margot Pierce was a very likable person that everyone couldn't help but like. It must've been her charisma.

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