Roman (Ch.2)

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Mornings were usually easy for me. I'd wake up to the birds singing joyously, and I'd open my bright red beautiful curtains to let in the loving sun. Sunshine glittering on the gold I had adorned throughout my room.

My room... Full of color and life, Disney posters plastered all over the walls, playbills littered on the desk, and a GIANT shelf filled with nothing but Disney movies. It's the best room in the house, it just radiates creativity, were as Patton's room is just filled with clutter. He's a bit of a sentimental pack rat, and he has an entire room just filled with toys. Don't ask me why... Yes, I... may have spent a bit of time in there... DON'T JUDGE ME... I came up with a good amount of ideas as a result. Oh, and I guess I should mention Logan's room. It's basically an office with a bed... with a separate library... and a classroom... and a...Pump the Brakes, and Get back on topic Princey!

Anyway... Mornings are normally easy for me. However, ever since the last video "Becoming a CARTOON" I have been off. It has nothing to do with the video itself, that was absolutely AMAZING. No, it's more like there's something wrong but... uh... IM NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL THIS WAY! I'm the Creative one, not the Anxious one. So why do i... For the past week I've had bad dreams, the only thing is, I don't remember them. Maybe if I did, I could figure out whats so upsetting.

Maybe it's just because my room is across from his. Like Anx's bad energy if starting to affect me, though it never has before. It doesn't mean it can't though... Right?

I slowly get out of bed and went to my closet. I really didn't feel like wearing my uniform today. However, I still needed to look good, a prince has got to slay. So I put on some jeans, a nice red undershirt, and a striking white dress coat. Practically Perfect in every way... See what I did there.

And Just in time! The sound of Anxiety's music blasted its way into my room like a gust of wind threatening to knock over anything in its path. Why he has to have his music so loud I have no idea. So once again like every morning I have to go over and get him to shut it off. You'd think if this happens EVERY SINGLE MORNING that he would eventually get the picture AND STOP. But no... he doesn't... ever!

A feeling of unease washed over me when I approached his door. Not the typical anxious aura his room usually has. It stops me dead in my tracks. It was like... like... NICK!! Yeah like him... Nick from Zootopia how he felt when Judy was saying predators were going savage because of DNA. Nick was all like I'm a fox, a predator, you scared I'm going to go savage... and... Judy was all like... going for her fox repellent, which of course hurt Nick. Yeah, That... That's how I feel right now, and I have no idea why.

I shook me the thoughts away as if they were spider webs that had entangled me, and for the most part, that had worked. I felt better. So much so... I...kicked... his... door... open...

Yep... Kicked... That might have been a bit overkill. I'll just fix it for him later... you know as an unspoken apology.

I watched as Anxiety walked out of his bathroom and turned off his music. I'm just too tired to get into it with him right now. We do this every day, so I just stood there like a weirdo waiting. I look around and notice it was actually a little brighter this morning. Like the rest of us, his room is his own "house" per say. Mines a castle, Logan's is a school, and Patton's is... well... a storage. Don't get me wrong Patton's room is amazing but its still a bit filled.

Each Bedroom has a door to the "mind palace" as I call it. That door, in turn, can be locked not allowing anyone but the owner to enter. However one can also "remove" their door temporarily, though no one's tried it. Logan said he only added that function as his last-ditch effort for privacy. It doesn't remove the link to mind palace, just makes it so no one can get in. After all, a lock can still break. Like what I did to his door by... kicking it... yeah I'm not happy with myself about that one. We can also change the color, theme, scene, and design of our door and or room. Like I said mines a castle, perfect for a Prince like me.

Anxiety's room, however... its like Halloween threw up all over it. Spiderwebs on the ceiling, black curtains on the windows, Band posters and artwork on the walls. He even has a Nightmare before Christmas blanket. I mean come on... Obviously, my king mickey blanket is much better, it totally goes with my regal...ness... whatever...

I didn't even notice Anxiety was leaving until he was already out the door. Whoops, I was probably standing there staring like a total idiot. Completely unroyal like. So I straightened myself out and followed Anx out of his room. Anxiety made his way to the kitchen, where no doubt Patton has already made him some breakfast. While I went straight over to the tv and put on Mulan. And with the couch calling to me, I sat down to enjoy the movie.

I hadn't even realized I had dozed off until was woken up by a thump. I looked up but didn't see anyone, however, my princely principle prevents me from just ignoring it,  so I got off the VERY comfortable couch to glance into the kitchen. I almost went right back to the movie until out the corner of my eye, I saw Anx's hoodie. I ended up vaulting over the couch, (what?  I know parkour, you have to to be able to evade things like the Dragon-Witch.), perfectly mind you, only to trip on a chair... That wasn't even tipped over... anyway...

I found anxiety on the ground unconscious. He had nail marks on his arm from what I assumed was him holding himself to calm himself down. Patton is nowhere to be seen and Logan... You know he's probably at his class by now. Anxiety just looked so... sad... I don't know how to explain it. I've never seen the aftermath of an attack... In fact, I've never seen an attack. Not since before he was child anyway.

And to think, I was just over there. Had I been awake I could've heard him... maybe? I could've helped in some way, right? I may not like the guy but if he needs my help I wouldn't just ignore him. I'm a prince it's my job to not only protect but help those in need. If I can't even do that for him, then what's the point... My thoughts racing as I picked him up and put him to bed.

I never realized how small he was, I mean besides the fact that he's the youngest. I felt bad having to take his hoodie off. After all, He's never without it. But Patton said many times that one of the best things to help Anxiety after an attack is to cool him off. Emotional distress can and probably will result in illness and that is never good for someone like him. Someone who as a child WAS ALWAYS SICK, weak immune system and all that. It scared Patton so much he made Logan and me learn anything and everything there is about first aid, home care, and emotional support. I didn't mind at all, everything I learned has helped me at some point. And at the time, I was actually very close to Anxiety... at least I thought I was.

When he was a child, Anxiety was either sick or scared. Patton being the oldest of the group took it upon himself to take care of him, but he's the primary, the oldest, it was his job to care for everyone and it became too much for him and his own emotions. There was one night that I still remember, anxiety was sick again but was hiding because he didn't want Patton to worry, and he ended up pushing himself too far. It was the worst fever he had ever gotten and Patton... he snapped. He was so worried about Anxiety's health, guilty that Anx felt he had to hide it, and angry that he didn't notice that... He yelled at Anxiety. It was the first time any of us truly heard him yell at anyone.

After that everything changed... Patton put on a mask, punishing himself for what he did to Anx, he refused to show any feelings that weren't happy. Logan closed himself off from his emotions so that he could be there more for Patton. Even going so far as "Growing up" and taking his place as the secondary, just to make sure Patton never had to go through that guilt ever again. And Anxiety... he... closed himself off completely. He stopped playing in the garden. He stopped singing. But I think the one thing I missed the most was, he stopped coming over. He stopped hanging out with me. 

Everything around me was changing... and for a 13-year-old at the time... It was difficult. All I wanted to do was help everyone, make them better, like all the Disney Princes I had watched. But most of all I wanted to save my best friend.  I guess... I still do... I just don't know how, and I worry that I'm too late.

He's different now. He's no longer that kid who would sneak over to my room just to watch a Disney marathon. He's... It ... I hate what he became... I don't like him...

Not anymore...

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