Roman (Ch.4)

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(AN~ Ok so since I did a pic of Virgils Tattoo I thought that I would do another one of him... Once again the first one is him normally and then the second one is him when he breaks his seal... Yes I know I haven't gotten to that yet in the story but I got inspired to draw it so yeah... Spoilers lol)

I laid on my bed staring at nothing in particular, just trying to get my thoughts in order. I had left Anxiety in his room with a wet washcloth on his forehead. I fixed his lock, propped his door open just in case, and then went to go find Patton, around 2 in the afternoon. He was out with Thomas at the time of Anx's attack so he wouldn't have known it happened.

Patton was... Let's just saw his usual smile wasn't as bright anymore. He wouldn't let you know it but he was obviously remembering that day 6 years ago. He was in and out of Anx's room so much I ended up bringing the chair back in for him. Which he used til I told him to go to bed... He didn't, but he did leave Anx's room, only to go into the kitchen to bake... and bake and bake and bake. I left him to his busy work, around the 4th tray of cookies and the 2nd mini cake, and went to my room to lay down.

I kept telling myself it's different... That He's different, but... Seeing him in his bed like that. It just brought back so much. He was my best friend, and it seemed like we were always here... like this. Him in bed, sick with a fever, and me sitting on the chair waiting for him to get better. I hated seeing him like that, so pale and thin. Often times, when he was well enough, I would grab a ton of movies and we would spend our time just watching them. Those were the worst and best days of my childhood. Just sitting there... with him... watching Disney movies till we drop. The moments I was with him were my happiest.

But that stopped after that day. I would try, I would... But he just didn't want to. He even went so far as to lock me out. I never knew why. I still kept trying, bringing him food and movies. Eventually just food, I wasn't giving up I just... He must have been angry with me for something... I don't know what I did but it must have been bad. After a few days I got the picture, he wasn't going to open his door to me. I was broken, every morning I would leave my room, walk over to his and just stand there trying to get the courage to knock.

I never could though, not until 4 months later. There was rustling and banging from in his room, it was like things were falling or moving. I had no idea what was happening. I just stood there once again trying to work up the courage to go in. It wasn't until after the noise stopped did I finally opened the door.

It was a mess. His shelves were bare while their contents were sprawled out on the floor. His dresser drawers out of the dresser, empty, and piled up against the closet, which was open and empty as well. However, I think what got me the most, was the picture that was on the floor. The frame was broken and the glass was shattered. It was the family portrait that Thomas had made us do to celebrate him meeting us. Patton and Logan on the left, Thomas in the middle, and Anx and me on the right. I never really noticed in the picture Anx wasn't looking at the camera like the rest of us... He was looking at me... And now He had left. 

I spent that whole night in my room crying. I made a promise to myself, that I would never let that happen ever again. That I would be there to help even if I didn't entirely know how. I made a promise to be the Prince that Anx always wanted to be because I wasn't there when he needed me to be... I made a promise to never be too late ever again.

I looked over at my clock which was telling me it was 7 in the morning. Which means I didn't sleep at all, and unlike yesterday I cant just sleep the day away. Not that I want to after what happened. We have a Mindscape Meeting today, something that Logan has been planning for weeks now. So I got up, got dressed in my Princely Uniform, and went to go get Patton. As I knew, He didn't get any sleep either. 

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