Short (Logan)

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(AN~ I wanted to post this where this had ended so it's another short one sorry lol but I will be posting a normal one soon so look forward to that lol enjoy)

I had to... I had to leave before... before...

I started for the stairs, my head starting to get fuzzy. My heart started racing and everything just start getting louder. I started to stumble and pair of arms held me steady. My breathing becoming rapid and uneven, as Patton sat me down behind the stage.

Maybe we should go further, everything is still so loud. Though if we keep going who know what could happen, I could pass out and that would worry Patton too much. I'm pretty sure I'm already worring Patton. Wait, If I'm worrying Patton then what if he gets sick too? What if he gets sick and it's all my fault?


I clenched my chest, as my breathing nearly left completely. My head was swimming and I felt like I was trapped. Is this... Is this how Anxiety felt?

"Logan, sweetie, breathe." I hadn't even realize I had stopped breathing. I forced myself to breathe in and imediatly took in the sent of cedar. Each breath made it a little better for me. My head slowly became clearer, and the noise quieted down till it was just me... and him... and...

"Logan? Patton?" Patton whipped around to see a worried Anxiety almost on the verge of tears. He had followed us. He had saw everything, and he blamed himself... Didn't he.

Anxiety straightened himself out, wiped his face, and went back to being his uncaring self. I just at there staring at him. I never knew what he went through. I never even saw it, but if that was in fact a anxiety attack, and if his are anything like that... I am so sorry. I hope I never caused any for him. Because, I have a sicking feeling... His are way worse.

(AN~ You guessed an anxiety attack you were right yay congrats lol)

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