Flashback pt.2 (Patton)

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"There... Feel better... Anx?"

I could tell he wasn't doing too well. I wanted so badly to do something. My mind was racing, trying to think of ways I could help. I could warm the place up, make him some cookies... MAKE THE BOYS APOLOGIZE. I'm really good at the last one. 

"I thought it was weird you didn't have it. I was going to ask, but I didn't." I couldn't do much for him right now, except just talking to him. Maybe I can get him to calm down if he can hear that I'm not mad. Though how could I be? I was the one you hurt him, causing him to leave. He has nothing to be guilty about.

"Wait you knew it was anxiety the whole time?"  Wait, did they really not realize? 

"You didn't?" 

"I had my suspi... Fine, no actually, that particular thought never crossed my mind." You can't lie to me, Logan. 

"Guys, how could you not know this is Anxiety?" How is this possible? I understand at first because we weren't expecting him to be here so we didn't see it. But how could they really not tell at all? We all loved Anx so much. He was like a son to me, a baby brother to Logan. And Roman... 

"Anxiety are... Are you ok?"  Oh, my poor little anxious baby. I don't know how to help you.

"Anxiety!" I hear Anx scream and feel his arms go around my waist. I'm a dad, his father figure, and yet I hurt him. Even now I can't make it better. I don't want to lose him again. I can't lose him again. A father isn't a father without his son to love and protect. I'm not a father without my son.

I look at the man who had just scared my precious child, with a deathly glare, knowing full well Roman regretted it. He rushed over and pulled him into a hug. I was surprised. Not that Roman did it but that Anx hugged him back. He always hated my hugs. He hated hugs in general but Anxiety seemed to have needed one... A hug from Roman.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled. I know how much you hate it. I was... was just... I'm sorry." I felt as my eyes started to well up with tears. My poor dark strange son... in so much pain but I can't do a thing. I know Logan feels the same way. I could see him trying to hide his emotions, but his puffy red eyes are a dead giveaway. 

"I-I s-sorry f-for n-not telling you it w-was m-me." Roman? What are you doing? I watched as Roman let go and walked away. The look on Romans face was terrible. He looked so angry at Anx, even though not 2 minutes before he was trying to comfort him.

"Why?"  Roman don't... don't do this, not now...

"Why didn't you say anything? You obviously knew it was us. You even said my name, though if you didn't know my name I would think your kinda... I mean, everyone knows who I am."

"Roman!" I understand being upset, a little, but to be so mean. What do you think you're going to get out of this. All your going to do is hurt him. Your only going to make this worse. 

"I'm going home." No... wait please don't go. I don't think I could do this again. I don't think I could handle losing my son AGAIN. 

"You're just going to leave."  Seriously, Roman, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!

"5 years and you're just going to leave again, just like that."  Stop it... Stop it... Stop it now Roman. 

"Who do you think you are? When you left the first time, do you know how it hurt us... How it hurt Thomas!" That's when I noticed them. The shadows... They were growing and getting thicker with every word Roman said. Who was doing this? Was it Roman? Did he have... No, I would have known if he did right? Same with Anxiety... Right? Logan and I we've dealt with this but, Logan can't manipulate the shadows. And I'm not doing this so. Who is it?

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