Short (Logan)

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Patton has been gone for awhile. He went out to go site seeing I think, meanwhile I've just been sitting out here on step staring at the sky. I'm drained, all that stuff just took everything out of me. I just want to sit in a nice comfy chair with a good book and some crofters. Is that too much to ask?

"Hey, Logan have you seen Patton?" Roman walks up a bit hesitantly. He's probably worried I might attack him again. Jeez, what the hell got into me.

"He left a little bit ago..."

"Oh." He looked a bit uncomfortable, but... I can't really blame him. I threw him against the damn wall.

"Try looking for tourist type spots. Patton wanted to sightsee." He wanted me to join him too, but I was too tired.

"Are you ok Logan." I looked up at him, and tried to smile but I don't think it convinced him at all. 

"Yeah, I'm fine just tired." 

"I was talking about-"

"I know." I looked away when I saw his face fall. I didn't like hurting anyone. I felt so bad. It didn't take him long to leave. He did say he wanted Patton, and I was obviously not going to be able to help him.

"I'm sorry." I looked up to find a girl with curly black hair and blue eyes staring at me, while she hangs upside down from a tree.

"Uh... Sorry?" She hops down, lands perfectly on her two feet, walks over to me, and grabs my hands

"It must be hard to not be able to control your magic. I've seen it first hand, with a very close friend of mine."  I pull my hands away and she sits down next to me.

"If you need to talk about it..." I snapped again. 

"What? You'll have a conversation with me about the importance of emotions and if I just tried to understand then I might get a better grasp on the situation that I have been presented with, and maybe, just maybe I would start to control that which I have been struggling with prior?" She just smiles at me, like the fact I yelled at her for offering her assistance meant nothing. Her smile though, It just like...

"Not me." 


"I could sit and I could listen, but that wouldn't help you. You need some who understands what you're going through. You need to talk to them."

"And who exactly, would that be." despite the sad smile she wore, her eyes were bright. She once again grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Go talk to him... Go talk to Anxiety." I looked away. Maybe she's right If anyone would understand it would be him. After all, he does make things explode when he gets upset. Patton helps, he does, but he has complete control of his magic and Roman... He doesn't seem to have that issue either. I don't know anymore maybe  I-

"Uh oh!" I look back at her and she was gone. I didn't even see her go. It didn't matter anymore anyway. I needed to get a hold of myself, so I needed to find Anx. He would have the information I needed and once I go that I could then focus on the planning. I got off the step, brushed myself off and started down the rest of the stairs, didn't make it though. Halfway down I tripped on something and landed right on my hands. Let's just say it wasn't fun.


A cat?

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