Roman (Ch. 20) <1>

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AN~Warning Do Not Read the section from "Shall We?"  to "Kiddo?", If you are sensitive to Blood... Ok you may continue now lol

Also just bringing back the picture from earlier in the book just as a reminder to what he looks like with his seal broken...

"What the fuck?" We all stop what we were doing and turn to see Anxiety standing there underneath the banner. He was just standing there, looking at everything. "So this was why you were in my house."

"Anx I..." I started but was cut off by Bast.

"It was my idea. They wanted to make this place amazing for you, so..."

"You broke into my house and stole all of Marcos's sculptures?" I couldn't tell if Anx was angry or sad. I guess now I know who made them but still... 

"This is your place, your fountain. I just wanted to make what it was." Bast was yelling now, tears welling in her eyes. I look over at Patton who was probably thinking of ways to stop this but I could see Logan telling him no.

"Look, lady, I told you before I..." 

"I'm your fucking cat!" Anx just went white. I don't think he was expecting it. Actually, I don't think anyone expected it except Logan. Of course, he already knew,' it made sense how he acted towards her. Like I said earlier, nothing surprises me anymore. Then they both got a look of fear. Not the kind I normally see Anx have. no this was pure fear... Like a fear of dying. Next thing I know I heard an explosion and everyone went dead silent.

"They're here." Both Anx and Bast said in unison, as they looked over at Logan. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen. Logan nodded and all three ran leaving me and Patton here confused. We ran after them as people freaked out. Kids we crying, houses were burning, people were just trying to get out alive, and I had no clue what was happening. I watched as Bast once again jumped up into a tree, still running. She jumped from tree to tree, running without losing her footing once.  Now as amazing as that is, I would expect nothing less from a cat. WHat was absolutely incredible was the fact that Anxiety had done it too. 

He had jumped up into the trees on the right of us with Bast on the left. Which of course made me feel bad because as skilled and agile as I am, I am no cat. I don't do trees. They both stopped short staring off into the distance. I couldn't see what they could but I could see the smoke. And, there was a lot of it. Bast looked over at Anx as he jumped down. she did the same landing only an inch away from Patton who jumped in surprise.

We all then ran into this gigantic field. I felt like I was along for the ride. It wasn't long before I saw who the "they" were. NIghtmares, a whole lot of them. Right there in the middle of the field. The big one stepped forward, and I watched an Anx stopped short. They were all looking at him, all of the nightmares. They were so focused on Anxiety that they forgot to charm us. Or at least I hope it's because they forgot. But... Why were they focused on him?

"Anxiety!" I look over and see Elphaba being held down by one of the nightmares. The big one chuckles and Anx's face goes dark. "Anx don't!" Don't what? What don't you want him to do? We have to...We have to do something. Right?

I look over at Bast who was already in a fighting stance. I told her to get as many people as she can out of the vale. She looked like she was going to fight me but soon ran back towards the base. I watched as animals came out of the woods and the trees to follow her back. 

"Roman we need to do something," Patton called as he and Logan came closer. We were like ten steps behind Anx, who was frozen in place staring at Elphie. The Nightmares started to move closer and I moved in response. I'm a prince, it is my duty to protect everyone. I WILL protect the people of this base. 

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