Logan (ch.17)

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"Who... knows?"

"Knows that you have magik?" He nods. "We.. we all do."

"Everyone!" He whips around and I could see the fear in his eyes. "When?"

"When what?"

"When did you all find out." I watched as tears welled up in his eyes. I don't think he expected everyone to know.

"Patton and I... We found out that night at the day program. You blew up all the lights." His eyes went wide.

"and Roman..." His voice was cracking a bit.

"He seemed to have figured it out at the meeting with the trio." He looked confused.

"What meeting?" What meeting? I'm confused, it sounds like he... How could he not remember the meeting?

"The meeting you agreed to help Elphaba." Realization hit Anx hard. Shock and worry crossed his face and for the first time ever, I was glad I could feel his emotions. I got up and had Anx sit in the chair he had made for me. As I knew, It was getting harder for him to stay standing.

"What did I do?" He was scared... Scared he hurt someone. Guilt was evident but I he didn't even know why he was guilty.

"During the meeting you..." He looked up at me expectantly. I wanted so badly to tell him it was ok but I was never good at lying... Not to my family anyway. "You got angry, very angry. Your aura got the better of you."

"I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Of course not! Patton and I barely felt it..."


"Roman wasn't able to breathe. It was like you took the air right out of him."

"Anything else?" He kept his head down. I looked away. I didn't want to tell him. I hated him being so upset. What's the point anyway, It the past? There is no point getting yourself sick over it. "Logan please." He looked back up at me with his mask back on. Not even a hint of emotion in his voice. He doesn't need to show his emotions for me to know them though.

"Roman realized that it was you who caused it and he got angry." His expression didn't change but a surge of anxiety hit me and I had to grit my teeth just to keep from falling over. "Not over what you did but over Elphaba wanting to send you to fight the nightmares. He figured out you were Draak"

"So he..."

"He yelled and you still agreed to go."

"Wait, all know that I'm... That I'm Draak?"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. You had basically taken over the whole conversation." He just sat there, his thoughts, a mile a minute. He was trying to process just what he heard.

"So that's why Roman ignored me for the past week?"

"No, actually I think that was more about the attack."

"Attack?" I sighed and leaned up against the wall.

"Do you really not remember this?" He shook his head. How is that possible.

"Meow." Anx looked down at Bast, and I used the time to collect myself. It wasn't like before. It was just a lot of pressure. I was dizzy and a bit weak but that was all. Maybe Patton was right. Maybe I...

All of a sudden I was sitting. I hadn't fallen, but I was in fact sitting. I looked around and saw the room had changed. Well correction, not changed, but... It was shaky, like the image I was seeing, was warping and changing, trying to fit my memory of it. It was almost like a mirage.

"You would think that mirage magic would be easy for an Illusionist but it's a type of light magic. I did my best though. Do you like the chair?" I looked down to find I was sitting a soft blue armchair. The same armchair that sits beside mine in the Mind Palace Commons.

"I.. How... Why?" He just smiled.

"You looked like you were a little sick. I had a feeling it was... Well, that doesn't matter." He started to fidget with his hands. Something I have seen before when he can't find the words to say. " Uh... I thought you would feel better if we were home. But I didn't know exactly what... Um... You looked stressed."

"Why Patton's chair?"

"Because I know how much he means to you." I felt my cheek warm up. I slid down into the chair hoping it would hide me, but I knew better.


"How did I do this?"

"Well I mean I can't and Patton never told me he could. Romans never really shown me..."

"Wait they have magik too?"


"Uh. W-well it has t-to do will what type you are?" He says as he shakes himself from his thoughts.

"Right I think Patton mentioned that once before." Normally I would have done my own research but I was learning everything I could for Thomas and then when Pat decided to do it... I didn't want to take away id want to learn so... I left it for him to teach me.

"Uh... Yeah, well anyway. I'm an Illusionist, mean illusion magic come naturally."

"Oh! That makes sense."

"However anyone can do illusion magic depending on the level of it."

'Like the mirage magic. Which is light?"

"Yep. What are you?"

"Mind... person..." I could never remember fully what they were called.

"Mind Magician."

"Correct. Patton never told me what he was and Romans never used his except for when he... nevermind."

"When he what?" He started to pet Bast again as she snuggled into his lap. I just sighed again. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut.

"When he would help you."

"Help me how." I could see the thoughts turning in his head.

"Ok... After the meeting Roman got pissed. He cornered you and pissed you off. In retaliation you sort of... Put him in an arm hold."

"An arm hold?" I nod and he returns to petting Bast.

"He said some very hurtful this in anger and you..."

"Blew the lights?" He looks at me quizzically. Again I nod and he starts to put the pieces together.

"And you ran."

"What does that have to do with..." Bast cuts him off with an almost impatient and annoyed look. I swear that cat is human. "Sorry."

"Roman runs after and..."

"You followed"

"I need to know? Anyway, You were having a really bad attack and Roman help you to get out of it."

"But hows that magi-" He stops and he starts to cry. I think he finally figured out just how much Roman did for him.

"All that time... He was..." I nodded and let him work it out. "Romans a dreamer... H-He uses d-dream magic. All those time I would fall asleep before it got too bad... I always thought it was weird that I always had the best dreams after an attack."

"Are you good... Fam?" I really don't know how to respond to this.

"Yeah its just... I remember."

"Remember what?"

"What he said."

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