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(AN~ Yay I added an honest to god description of my story... FINALLY lol. Also, the pic above is of Virgil's Tattoo. The first one is it normal, and the second is when he breaks the seal. More info on that as time goes on. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy my fanfic.)

Eyes open just staring at the ceiling. I don't know what I expected... I'm in my room and... It must be around, what 12 in the morning. I... don't even know what to think. Something dripped down into my eye, drawing me to the sense of cold on my forehead.  I must have gotten another fever. Damn it!

I'm usually good at hiding my attacks. Whenever I would get one I'd fake it until I was alone. That's one of the good things about Thomas being an actor. I'd go through the motions until it ended and then deal with the aftermath alone as well. One time I got so sick I looked like a ghost, so I put on some foundation to hide how pale I was. I was still very pale, but they blamed it on the makeup itself. Then I started to put eyeshadow under my eyes to mask how sick I looked there as well... I ended up just keeping it that way, can't make people think something off when that is how I normally look... Right? I can't let them see how bad it really is. I would just get in the way at that point.

Getting up was more of a hassle than it should've been. Normally I would have stayed in bed, greatly appreciating the warm invitation... to be lazy. But, I had to see how bad it was. It's the only reason I still had that full-length mirror that Roman had got me so I could practice my hero poses in front of. Obviously don't need it now. 

I was paler than usual, indicating I was indeed sick again... great. I took my shirt off to allow myself to cool down. It was one of the things that my mentor taught me. She wanted me to be able to take care of myself if our paths ever separated. I'm glad she did, besides out of all the things I get anxious over my body isn't one of them. It was... Oh my god was it a problem for me but she helped me get past it. Now I'm not going to go out and flaunt it like a certain... Ahem... Prince does but I'm not scared to have no shirt on. However, there are still PLENTY of things that worry me so yeah... I haven't change TOO much in that regards. I think...

However, now that it was off, all the scars could be seen. Each one as painful as the one prior, all from fights, from mistakes, from training. You name it, they were there, years worth of them too. Then you have the tattoo on my side... I had almost forgotten about it. Evidence of my time with her, of who I am,  what I can do, of what I left behind. 

Elphaba was like a mother to me for a while... She was my teacher and caretaker. If Elphie only knew what I've been doing... huh... she'd probably laugh...

"You ok kiddo?" I saw Patton in the mirror looking as concerned as ever. He's never seen me without my shirt on. Though I bet he wishes it was Logan. I couldn't help but chuckle... Patton's been in love with Logan since I could remember. He even got matching glasses, despite not needing them.  Yet he can't work up enough courage to tell Logan...

Look who's talking...


"Yeah, I'm good...."

"DON'T!!" Patton's mask dropped for the first time in... forever. Tears welling up and threatening to spill over. He walks over pulling me into a hug. I have never been one for contact but I let him because I know he needs it. "Don't shut me out... Please." 

It wasn't long before I noticed the other body in the doorway. Patton started to pull away... slowly, but something felt off so held him closer. It was the first time in 6 years that he hugged me. I never thought that I would miss it so much. After all, contact has always been too much, but I missed Patton's hugs. 

"W-We, uh...Thought t-that you, um... Might b-be hungry."

"We made soup!" Patton yelled jumping up and down like the child he his. Already back to being his cheerful self again. Good... The last thing he ever should be is sad. I never want to put him through... that... ever again. Meanwhile Roman is just standing there red as a tomato... Is he getting sick?

So it turns out it was actually more like 8... it was just really dark in my room... and my clock was broken. So yea... not 12. Anyway, Romans still red as a firetruck which concerns me because I am starting to feel the effects of being sick... and Thomas can't have two sides sick, and still be fine. And if he gets sick, then Patton will get sick and Logan will get pissed. Then we'll have to deal with him and his frustration at the lack of things getting done, as well as his worry over Patton. Which will just result in more stress for Thomas and less time for him to get better...

... Breathe in for 4 seconds

... Hold for 7 seconds

... Exhale for 8 seconds

Just because I see something doesn't mean what I assume is true... Slow down and think rationally... or just think in general. Jumbled up thoughts equal missed opportunities.

"Uh... A-Anxiety are y-you sure you a-aren't c-cold? I mean I d-don't think... I-I m-mean... You're not wearing a shirt." Next thing I knew Orange juice was flying everywhere. Patton, having been the cause, just sits there laughing while I tried to clean myself off. I'm VERY happy I forgot to grab my hoodie because Patton spitting juice on it would not have made me happy.

My appetite was spoiled the moment my sup became juice, so I got up to go take a shower. I was getting sticky... Thanks, Patton. Why did he do that anyway? it's not like anything happened. Roman was the only one talking and he was obviously just asking since I was sick... right? Wait... am I missing something... Did Roman say or do something that I didn't get... Did he pick on me... Did I do something and not know... The cold water relaxed me instantly allowing me to steady my breathing. Good

The shower was nice and relaxing. I don't know how long I was in there but when I got everyone else was up and active. I forgot today we had a meeting over the mindscape. As the Main personalities, we are in charge of the mindscape. Think of the mindscape as a kingdom and we are its royal family... Wait... That's basically what we are... Damn. I quickly got dressed, remembering my hoodie this time and ran straight to the front of the Mind Palace.

There was a loud and abrupt bang and the main doors were flung open allowing 2 cloaked women to walk in.  One was a younger girl who had on a lighter blue cloak on. The other was an elderly woman with a darker blue cloak on. Both had a gold pin with the same Alchemic circle as my tattoo... WITCHES... This can't be good.

"Excuse me, Did we have a meeting set?" I could hear Logan call out. The younger woman pulled her hood down to reveal herself to us. Though as expected she shook her head no, as her fatigue was made apparent...

"Draak, We are looking for Draak." What? NoNoNo, I knew this wasn't good. Why would they say that name? Why would they look for Draak? Why are they here?

I slowly started to back up, not even fully aware I was doing so. I managed to get back a few steps before I hit something... Or should I say, SOMEONE...

"Slow Down, Calm Down, Break It Down. Then..."

"Breathe." I finish as I recite the mantra back. I turned around to see another woman in a black cloak her green skin showing even under the hood. I had her in a hug before I even processed what was happening. Two years, Two years since I've seen her. The last time I saw her was right before she left to help out the northern vale... She had gotten a letter from an old friend and left shortly after, leaving the Western Vale, and me, behind. 

"Elphie, how..."

"I've missed you too Draak."

BroKen~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now