Roman (Ch.6)

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(AN~This one is a bit of a small one but I wanted to show Romans side of the conversation. Then again I usually do... But I didn't what to go farther than where Virgils left off so yeah its a bit short lol)

"Wait you mean that super shy kid I met like 4 years ago? He didn't even seem to talk. Why would you need help looking for him? Wasn't he your apprentice or something?" This is ridiculous. That kid looked the same age as Anx. And when I saw him... He was in the vale under a mentor... Her!!! She was his mentor.

"Wait... You spoke with him?" That... Wasn't directed... at me. Was it. What does Anxiety have to do with any of this? How does she know him?

"You were his mentor, his teacher. He lived in your base. You even gave him his name... Yeah, I did my research. Now please enlighten me how you managed to lose your apprentice. Because... Honestly, I don't know if I want to..."

"Something happened and..." My heart dropped, that was not what I wanted to hear.

"What happened..."

"Look I appreciate you looking out for him, but that... kid... is capable of so much more then you realize..." Next thing I knew there was a loud and startling sound. It was so loud it made everyone jump. I fell out of my chair. So not prince-like... I looked around the room and I saw it was Anxiety. He had slammed his hands on the table. Which surprised me more because he hated loud sounds like that, or at least he used to.

"Why?" Why did Anxiety look sad?

"Because we need his help." That woman needs to shut the hell up.

"With what?" Anx are you even considering this. That kid is just like you. He must have left for a reason.

"The nightmares." what about them... What does she expect that kid to do... There is no way I am ever going to let anyone go near a freaking Nightmare... It is my job as a prince to protect them Which or not.

"What happened." I looked over at Anxiety hoping that maybe he would see reason, but he wasn't even looking at anyone. He was just staring at the table, with the most serious face I have ever seen him have. Most of the time he just has just looked bored or uninterested, like he couldn't care less, but... Now it's like he... Like he doesn't have a choice but to care.

I couldn't take it anymore all of this was insane. Anxiety... I don't like seeing him like this. It's like he knows more than he's letting on. My head is spinning. It's like all the pieces are there, right in front of my face, but I just can't figure it out. I was never good at puzzles.

However, Logan doesn't even seem to understand what's going on with Anxiety. And If he can't figure it out then. How the HELL and I supposed to. I just want to keep every safe. I can't do that if I only have half the picture, If that!! I just... I don't have a good feeling about this.

"I'm sorry but I really need to know what you plan on having Draak do. My decision on the matter rests solely on that. So if you could tell me... You know... For the notes." Anxiety was fuming. I could literally see the rage rolling off of him like smoke, filling the air around us till I couldn't breathe... I literally couldn't breathe. Every time I tried I would get more and more light headed. I knew this was magik. I had experienced it before... in training and then again against the dragon-witch. But this... This was different. This was scary.

"Anxiety!"My head bolted up so fast I nearly passed out. The air started to rush back into my lungs as I stopped and checked on the others. They all were fine, confused, but fine. I don't think it affected them much. Then again I always was weak to magik, I had to build up a tolerance to it, but this was way different... Stronger... Potent.

"Sorry." Wait... No... There is no way that... that... He... Oh my god. All the witches were staring at him. Whenever they asked a question it was always directed at him. When I said I spoke to Draak, the question she had asked was to HIM. You mean... That sweet kid I saw 4 years ago... That was Anxiety! And I, his supposed BEST FRIEND DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE! What kind of man can't even recognize his cru-... his friend.

"Anyway to answer your question. We need his help fighting them... on the front lines."

"No Fucking Way That Is Happening." Oh god, I just swore, in front of Pat no less. I really need to calm down... But they want... Anxiety to... Fight. No, I will not let that happen ever. God bless Patton he completely ignored me swearing. I think it's because he's angry too. Patton is a parental personality, he would never willingly allow people in harm's way, even if he "didn't know them". If he only knew...

"Fine." No No No No... Please don't agree to this. I can't lose you... Not again. And this time, It could be forever.

"Anxiety... Please!" It was barely a whisper, but I knew he heard me. He just stared right at me but he didn't seem to care.

 "I said fine... I'll help." 

Oh my god...

What did he just get himself into?

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