Roman (Ch. 19) <2>

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6 o'clock and the alarm went off. I put it on silent as soon as it did, only remembering after, that Anx wasn't even here to hear it. I would be lying if I didn't say that hurt but... He had his own place here. It would be rude to say he couldn't go back to it. I got up and ran to the bathroom to get ready, bumping into Patton who was coming out. He had stayed up all night again baking Anx's cake. When I told him the cakes he had made for the Vale every year was for Anx, he flipped his top. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he was feeling. 

Logan and Patton agreed to help me set up the party. We didn't have to worry about Anx for awhile because he doesn't usually wake up until 12 anyway. That give us 6 hours to work without worry. Then it's up to everyone else to keep him busy until we're done. Logan even went so far as to ask Anx's cat to keep him busy. Nothing surprises me anymore...

"Hey kiddo, the cake's done." I looked up at Patton as I entered the kitchen. He was putting a plastic cover on the cake, as I sat at the table to help craft some decor for the party.

"Thanks, Pat! Oh, do you where the twigs are?" Pat shook his head, and snapped his fingers, causing the wood table to sprout like a tree making tiny branches. I broke the branches of the table and it reverted to normal as if nothing had happened. It's weird seeing Patton use magik. Just last week I didn't even know anybody had magic but me. Then when I found out Anx had it, I don't know what I thought. 

After the whole incident with the lightning, Logan sat us down to talk about some things. One of them being our magik. We all made a promise to be more open about things now, for Anx. If he knew we all had magik, or even just one us, then he wouldn't have felt so alone.  I wouldn't have... 

Logan came over, dropping off a schedule he had made for prep. A schedule no one is actually going to follow but still, it's nice to see him participate. Not that he doesn't care, he just never really seem to know what he can do to help. At least for events like this.

We finished up the banner and went to the party site. Patton had found this beautiful fountain in the middle of nowhere. Well, it wasn't really, it just looked it because of all the overbrush. Patton said it seemed to mean a lot to Anx, or he sensed it.  I don't really know how his magik works. Anyway, we showed up and someone was sitting there already waiting for us. The mystery woman we all seemed to have spoken to was sitting on a bench that wasn't there before.

"I thought this should be moved here." She called out as if reading my mind. I wouldn't put it past her, she is from the Vale. For all I know, she could be another witch. Logan went up and hugged her, then immediately pulled back an lightly flicked her nose. She drew back and hissed, scrunching up her nose in irritation.

"I thought you were supposed to hang with Anx while we set up?" Logan said as he went to help Patton clear up the vegetation. Not that Patton really needs help with that.

"I wanted to help."

"That would have helped."

"I asked Elphie to do it, besides I can be much more helpful here." Logan just tossed her some rope and pointed at me. I guess she with me then. She huffed a little and walked over to me as she wrapped the rope around her like a belt. I want'ed to start cleaning the fountain but as soon as she looked at the water she ran the other direction. She looked over at me expectantly, like she wanted me to follow. Logan just laughed and continued his work. WHo even is this woman.

"Look I don't know what you're doing but I have things that..."

"I need your help retrieving some things." She glanced back at me with a bright smile. 

"Hang on a moment." She said as she ran full speed towards a tree. She jumped, used the tree as a platform, and jumped again, catching a branch on the next tree before falling. She climbed up to her feet and walked over to another branch as if it were nothing. Then pulled herself even higher up the tree until I couldn't see her anymore. Next thing I know she's falling straight from the top of the tree, only to land on her feet like a damn cat. How is that possible?

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