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Sometimes things work for the better. Sometimes they don't. Me... deciding to take a walk at midnight, anxious as heck... definitely not for the better. I don't know why I was so anxious. They hadn't come to see me. They haven't even tried to talk to me. So... why do I feel so scared... Then again when am I not... 

It was dark, like the type of dark that you know can hide things. which only made my anxiety worse. So I put on my music and of course, Nightmare by Set it off comes on... I mean if anything can portray how I feel... I listen to it anyway. It's a good song and it does help. It helps so much that I lose myself in it. Oblivious to everything around me. It was just me, my music, and my thoughts.  I ended up just walking without any clear direction, which wasn't good because soon I was lost. Too afraid to turn back and unsure what to do I just kept walk. I thought that I would eventually come to something I recognized and could point my way home. I mean the mindscape cant be that big.

I was wrong. I mean I did end up someplace I knew of but, It wouldn't point me home. I had walked right up to the border of the Vale. Beyond it laid Witches and dragons and nightmares. I started to shake at that thought so much my tired legs finally gave up on me. Fear once again getting the better of me as I start to have an attack. And with no one out here to help me It just made me even more afraid. It was my fault. I pulled away. I locked them out. Then I decided to go for a stupid walk at midnight, it obviously wasn't going to go well...  Sometimes you can be so stupid Virgil!

It wasn't long before I fell asleep. It's usually what happens after an attack but... I wish he was here. Whenever I was with him my attacks wouldn't last as long. I would sleep better and I wouldn't have nightmares. But... Ever since I locked him out everything just been getting worse. making it harder and harder to sleep, function, or just be happy.  I actually missed Roman a lot. Why wouldn't I, though? I was alone and at the vale. The dark of sleep falling over me once I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up to the feeling of water on my face. Remembering where I had fallen asleep, I shot up out of the bed banging my side on the nightstand. The washcloth falling and managing to land on top of the nightstand. I was in some sort of tent thing. Ok, I will try to explain it the best I can so here I go... It was shaped like a very large tent but it was made out of twigs and leaves and stuff. The door was a regular door but shaped kinda like what you would use for a hobbit house. There was a desk with a computer, a cabinet filled with sheets, blankets, random bang around outfits, and a few odds and ends. Then you have the bed I was laying on that was actually a very comfortable bed and didn't look like it would fit style-wise here but... I did. The nightstand was made the same way as the actual room and also had a lamp, a clock, and a single rose in a small vase. Aesthetics lol... Did I just say... Nevermind.

"Ah, you're awake! Good, you frightened me a bit when I found you like I did." A woman walked in scaring me a bit. She wasn't someone I recognized. She had black hair, which at this moment was braided. She had brown eyes and... well, green skin. Uh -Oh...

"W-where am I?"Her smile dropped... I knew it! As the main Personality, I have to learn about the mindscape and everything. But this type of architecture I have never seen before. I've never seen her before. Which mean I am in 1 of 2 places and neither are good. 

"How old are you? If you don't mind answering." I tried of thinking of something to do or say that would get me out of here but my brain was still too tired to think straight. I couldn't think of anything.

"T-ten..." She seemed upset at that answer... Did she think I was lying... I probably should have but I thought she would have known that I was, so I didn't. She left the room only to come back with a basket full of bread and cheeses. I was a bit confused why she had them. But my stomach answered that question real fast.

"You are in the Vale. The western base to be specific. My name is Elphaba. I found you last night when I was doing my rounds and you had a bit of a fever so I took you back here to get better. If you would like it I would gladly show you the way back to the Mindscape. I know that the Vale does make some... scared. I would hate for you to feel bad when you seem to be sick." Wait this is the Wicked Witch of the West? I thought She was supposed to be this evil being hell-bent on destroying Dorothy. You know, Wizard of Oz and such. But the person in front of me seemed kind, parental even. Reminded me a bit of Patton. Patton... He would kill me if he found out happened last night Can't I do everything all right.

"Though personally, I would prefer you get better before we take a trip like that. If you were to get worse before we got you home, I don't know how I would feel." I shakily sat back on the bed. Here I was in the second to worse place to be in Thomas's mind. With a complete stranger who is supposed to be this wickedly evil witch and... I'm actually not scared! This woman seems to care for me. She's worried about my health knowing I'm from the mindscape. I thought the vale and the mindscape were supposed to not really like each other. I mean I know we have a treaty but still, I thought they didn't care. 

"It wouldn't matter either way... I'm always sick." She just nodded and left. I laid back on the bed and thought of home. My home... Do I even have one? I did but now... Dad always says that " home is where the heart is". It's where your the happiest and where you belong. It's the memories the feelings the people. But I left that behind months ago. What would Dad say if he knew I was sick again and didn't wait to get better? What would he say if I did and he found out I was in the vale. What would Roman... or Logan say? Would they care? Would they? 

My thoughts were threatening to pull me into another attack and that would definitely not be good for me right now... So I went outside. It was different than what I thought. The vale was supposed to be cold and grey, colorless, but this place was... Magic. 

Wildflowers littered the ground with patches of clovers and full of so much color... It was like a painting. The sky above a beautiful shade of baby blue.  Each of the many buildings made the same way but different shapes and sizes. They have their own medical bay and stores. Everyone was working or playing or just hanging around. It was like I stepped into my very own Disney Movie. Roman would love this.

"Hey, you must be that kid Elphie brought in. How ya feelin'?" I ended up tripping over my own feet. I was caught right before I hit the ground though. "Be careful, I would hate for you to get hurt. Elphie would be pissed." I started to get a little scared. What would happen if Elphaba got mad? Would she curse me? Would... Would she... Would send me home?

"Hey don't worry about the ol' Wicked Witch. She's actually really nice. Though she can be scary when she has to... She just hasn't needed a reason, not here anyway... I'm Marc... Marcos Welder." Marcos... He seemed like a nice guy. He had Brown hair, blue eyes, and really tanned skin. Probably from working outside in the vale. I've never been able to tan, no matter what I always seem to be super pale. I was about to say something when he asked the dreaded question... One I DID NOT want to answer, ever!

"So... What's your name?

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