Logan (Ch.13)

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"What about him?" Anxiety looked over at me and I a pang of regret hit me as I saw the pain in his eyes. I've never been good at emotions but I know when people I care about hurt. I wanted to take back everything I said but... I need to confirm my thoughts.

"You had asked Elphie about him.

"I did." I'm sorry.

"And... You knew how to get here."

"Where are you going with this Microsoft Nerd." I'm sorry Roman, but I'm already having an issue here with processing my thoughts into words so that I can understand the nature of this mission and what it means for my family, due to the fact that I am experiencing emotion passed on through Anxiety and I do not need your simple-minded callous comments. 

"It means you've been here before correct?"

"Logan, sweety, we've all already figured that." Did you just...

"Uh, dad?"

"Yea kiddo."

"Patton you just called the Microsoft turd sweety." I can't even process this, I need my notepad.

"It's not like I called him Hun."  H-Hun... Wait? H-Hun?


"P-Patton, um, why are you just sitting on that bench, and why did you run ahead." I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. I have been very slow the past couple days. I mean everyone figured that Anx was already here before I did. I just...

"Because I was excited and I'm glad I did because it is so beautiful. Now I know why Anx painted it."

"Wait, Anxiety paints." Wait? Paint... like paint, a colored substance which is spread over a surface and then dried to leave a thin decorative or protective coat. "When did that start happening?" I watched as Anxiety walked over to the bench and just stare at it. I could feel all the pain... Something is up with this place it's like... LIKE MAGIK IS INCREASED HERE!!! Uh oh, that might be a problem.

"Anxiety?" I called out hoping maybe he would snap out of whatever... thing he's in.

"Uh, sorry, what were you saying?"

"We should get going?" If I can get him away from that bench maybe... Maybe...

"Oh, Uh, yeah. You said you have the stuff to do." Anx walked slowly walked away from the bench but I could tell his mind was still on it. I don't entirely know why and that is infuriating. But... The worst part is the pain he's feeling and I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY HE IS FEELING IT. I don't get why a bench, a long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone, could hurt my little brother like it does. AND I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I WANT TO BURN IT!!! I looked back and found Roman now staring at the bench. What is up with this bench? I couldn't figure out why it was so special... Until I saw it...  The carving... The A+M... 

Anxiety was the A obviously, but who was the M.

Morality is the only person I know personally but if memory serves this is reserved for couples.

Patton is his father so it's not him. Marcos maybe, he did ask about him. 

Ok, so Anxiety and Marcos.

Marcos left and he died.

He left alone,  without Anxiety.

Meaning they at some point must have separated. 

So the pain Anxiety was feeling could be the loss of a loved one...

Or it could be heartbreak.

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