Short (Virgil)

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So... Logan...


He's like... me. 

Well not like me, but like me. I'm losing my mind. If Logan has magic, why didn't he say anything? Why would he? How would he? Could he? Stop it, Virgil, your just going to give yourself another attack.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't bother to look. Everything was just barreling down on me. I... This place holds so much for me. To them, it's just a base but to me its a home a home I had with him. I was young I know but to me, my life was here, with him. At least, I thought it was.

You can't keep doing this to yourself. 

Marcos... No not him. I'm just hearing things again.

You have to talk to someone. 

No, I don't, I'm fine.

No your not, you need help.

And how exactly would you know that? YOUR DEAD!

The voice finally stopped and I looked up to find the fountain. Our fountain, I hadn't even realized that this was where I was headed. There were pennies in it and it had vines on it but it was still here. We were the only one who took care of it, when he both left I thought... I thought I would never see it again. But here it is. And there they were sitting on the edge, right where I had left them. I couldn't throw them away but... I couldn't make myself keep them. He... He let go, even though I now know... that he was right.

I loved him so much, but... 

SERIOUSLY STOP IT! I braced myself as the fountain water erupted like a geyser, drenching me from head to toe. 

Please talk to someone.

Not again! I covered my ears and sat up against the fountain. I could take any more of this.

I only want to help, I don't like seeing you like this.

Stop, just please stop.

What do you think is going to happen when they find out? They will find out eventually.

Your dead so STOP TALKING.

Do you really think they are going to run away?

Please... stop...

"Loved ones don't run away!" I looked up to see a girl standing over me. She had black hair with brown highlight and bright blue eyes that reminded me so much of Marcos. She took off her hoodie and handed it to me as I took off mine to let it dry. I didn't speak. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too... I just."I looked over at her as she started to play with her hair. It was curly like his.  She looks so much like him its... too much. I got up and started to leave, and she followed. She would ask me questions, I would not answer. She would get angry and ball her fists. She got impatient and tapped her leg. Even her speech patterns and her slight accent was just like him. 

"Do you not like me?" I turned around and it was like a different person. She was hugging her hoodie, which I gave back, closely around her. her stance was off and she was just staring at the ground.

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU! You're following me around like some weird... Don't you have something better to do than annoy me." Her face fell and she took a step back. 

"I ju-... Understood. I'm sorry." She turned around and walked away, back towards the fountain. I was tempted to call back for her, but like I said, I don't know her. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to fix what I just did.

(Random Encounter: Mystery Girl has appeared

Virgil uses mean words it's very effective

Mystery Girl runs away... LOL couldn't help it!)

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