Roman (Ch.8)

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"What the hell are you thinking?" Please Anxiety, see reason. I can't let you do this to yourself. I can't sit back a let you throw yourself at the nightmares just because... You have to stay here... with me.

"Anxiety I am talking to you. Stop thinking about yourself for a change and answer me?" Damn it Roman, Think before you speak. You're never going to get to him if you talk down to him.  I saw as he went from his normal bored face to a frown. That was no better. I know I hurt him. I didn't mean it, it just came out. I...

He tried to push past me hoping that he might have been able to get through, but I couldn't just give up. I needed him to see. I grabbed his wrist, thinking only of keeping here with me. But just as my hand touched him the light above me popped startling the others in the room. I don't let go though. I know it was him who did it but it was my fault. I just... I just want to keep him safe, I can't do that if he won't even listen to me.

"Anxiety, please. Tell me why?" He doesn't even look at me. I feel him pull his arm from my hand. He is a lot stronger then he lets on. He had no trouble getting his wrist out even though I actually thought I was holding on way too tight. Since I was obviously not going to be able to hold him here, I stepped in front of the door. 

"Get out of my way Princey." His voice... I've never heard it so warped. I couldn't help but get angry. Here I am trying to save your life BEFORE you put it in danger, and you're fighting me. Out of all the times to be... YOU, do you think now is the right time? That's when I noticed the lights started to flicker... This really isn't going well at all.  

He still isn't listening to me. He never listens to me. Can't he just tell that I am trying to help him? I don't know what he's been through in those 5 years. I don't know what changed him from his outgoing playful child self to this emotionless bored with life guy he became. This is what I hate. This is WHO I hate. If he is going to remain cold-hearted then... So am I!

"No! How can you do this AGAIN? You make a choice that EFFECTS ALL OF US, without even taking us into consideration. Its like 6 years ago all over again. Do you honestly not care at all. Oh no... I forgot Your Anxiety you cant care it's a pointless endeavor that only sets you up for failure." I should not have said that. Next thing I know I'm on my knees facing the others, who are in turn starring at us. My arm is being twisted behind me and man does it hurt. If it wasn't for my training and the many battles I have had to face this would not have been as easy to bear. 

I notice both Patton and Elphaba attempt to correct this but I told them not to. This was our fight and as much as I hate being the punching bag because I am a prince, I am going to let Anx get his anger out. It's better than him bottling it up. Besides, I'm strong whats the worst he can do?

"Your right I don't care. Like I said I am Anxiety I don't... have... a heart. My choice is my choice. You don't like it, then don't follow." Why? Why do you say that? The younger you was kind and caring. He loved Disney and would sing every song with me. He would go off into the garden and pretend to be a prince protecting his castle. He was loyal, sweet, trusting, and just plain nice. He HAD a heart. He had to of... otherwise... why would I have cared so much for him. Not even your glitchy demon voice changes that. Not your abilities. Not your Title. None of it changes who you are deep down, it just adds to it.  Why can't you see that?

"Then go, see if I care." The truth is I would care. I would care so much it would break me. I never got over you the first time you left. I had to put on this prince facade just so people would stop asking if I was ok. I buried myself in adventure and fights just to forget you. I know I was young too but I... I...

Total blackout... Each of the lights popped and blew until there was none left. Then the tension and the pain in my arm vanished... and I knew what had happened. It was just like back then. I hadn't quite pulled all the pieces together but now I did. 

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