Virgil (Ch.12)

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(AN~ I am soo happy to be able to get back to this story... But I do have another story I have to start for class eventually so expect a bit of a hiatus from me again soon. Until then I will try to write more in this. Yeah for updates!!!)

"You all are probably aware who these men are, but They still have to say it anyway so bear with them. Ok?" It was weird. I just kept looking at the floor. They all know me, each and every one of them knows me. Yet, they still didn't know who I was. I don't know how they will react, and without him being here, I have no one to talk them down if they start to hate me. They will hate me, why wouldn't they. I was here for like 3 and a half years, I think? AND... To top it all of magik is stronger here... for obvious reasons. What if I lose control again? What if someone calls me Draak and they find out it's me? What if no one accepts me. What if they refuse to help? What if the nightmares show up and no one will fight them because of me? What if they show up here? What if they show up here and I can't fight them so everyone gets hurt and blames me because I've lied to them for so long and they find out the truth so they say I brought them here and then everyone hates me even more and Patton won't even looks at me and...

"Anxiety!" I bolt up and look at Elphie. She looked concerned they all did. Everyone in the crowd was just staring at me. My attacks happened a lot so they all know the feeling and what it meant. I was having an attack, they could feel it, they always could here. Like I said many times before, my magik is tied to my emotions, Anxiety is my strongest emotion, and magik in stronger here... meaning, My anxiety always makes something happen. Normally, however, its usually just a sense of dread and fear. It's my aura, and it causes others to feel like I do, but only a little bit thank god. I would never forgive myself if I gave someone a panic attack. 

"Anxiety?" I look back at her... again. "Do you want to say anything?"


"That's not what I meant..."

"Oh." All of a sudden Patton runs up and takes the mic from Elphie, giggling like a child who just got away with stealing a cookie. Logan walks up behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder, probably to try to calm him. If anyone can it's Logan.

"My name is Patton, and I am really happy to be here and I really really want to meet everyone, and I really really really want to see all the sites, and I really really really really hope we all can be friends." Patton hands the mic to Logan and walks back to his spot as if nothing happened. Logan was just standing there, a look of complete confusion on his face. Roman just sighed and went and took the mic from Logan who was still just standing there.

"You all already know me." Oh great pompous Princey, and the I'm famous shit he does. I turned around and started to leave. "You all know me because this is the second time I was here." Patton and Logan just looked back at Roman with surprise. I guess they didn't know. He did say he met Marcos during the meeting but... I don't know? "The first time I was here, I was an apprentice to Prince Charming. We were here for a meeting. I still don't remember what it was about. I was a kid, I was more interested in video games than politics." Everyone started laughing, he was a natural on the stage. "Before the meeting I.. I met these other kids. Well, kid... the other one was busy and had to leave, still..." I knew where this was going he was talking about Marcos and me. 

"Roman?" I could barely talk. I didn't know what was happening. I knew that they knew I used to live here, but... that's all right? Did they figure more out? Do they know that I have magik? Wait if he knows that that kid was me then he knows that I'm Draak... Marcos introduced me to him as Draak... Oh god!

Roman looked over at me and smiled a little, almost like the smile itself was an apology. He knows... Doesn't he.

"I'm sure you know who I'm talking about?"

"Draak!" Someone yelled up from the crowd, making everyone look at me. I wanted to hide. why is he doing this? I look over at Patton and see him looking at me with confusion. Obviously, he see's the crowd's reaction, how else would he react? I start to tense up and I could feel myself start to slip again. I hate this, I need to get a hold of myself again. I've been away for so long I forgot how this place effects me. I want to run. I want to hide. I want to disappear. A wash of calm energy went over me, and I melted into it. 

"Don't focus on what everyone is doing...Don't focus on their eyes... Don't focus on them." Each word calmed me further. "Your safe here... No is going to hurt you... Or judge you." It was like all my anxiety was being taken right out of me. "We all care about you." I looked behind me and saw Logan. He gave me one of his small smiles when I was finally all better. He turned, patted my shoulder and walked off stage. I was in complete shock. I knew Logan cared in his own way but he's never brought me back from an attack before. Though, Patton and Roman never really gave him a chance. I just don't understand the calm aura I felt...


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