Logan (Ch.16)

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(AN~Its my birthday yay!! LOL... Anyway, I was wondering what y'all would think if I started a Septiplier story or a Danti story... I've been getting back into reading others fanfics and It was sort of inspiring lol... Back to BroKen lol... We are nearing the end, only a few chapters left. So enjoy it... Also, comment some name ideas for the sequel cause I'm terrible at that sort of thing lol!)


"I spoke to him you know?"

"What about?"

"Nothing much. We spoke about tomorrow..."

"What about tomorrow."

"Nothing. It was nothing. Why are you so concerned?"

"Because... The party is tomorrow." 



"Uh oh!" I look back at her and she was gone. I didn't even see her go. It didn't matter anymore anyway. I needed to get a hold of myself, so I needed to find Anx. He would have the information I needed, and once I do then I could focus on the planning. I got off the step, brushed myself off and started down the rest of the stairs, didn't make it though. Halfway down I tripped on something and landed right on my hands. Let's just say it wasn't fun.


A cat?

Why is there a cat? Where did the... wait?

"Bast?" I looked up to find a very confused Anxiety looking back at me."Bast, is that you?"Bast? Is that her name?

"Meow!" Bast jumped down from my lap and ran over to Anx. Who then, picked her up and held her closely. I could tell the cat meant a lot to him. I'm glad they got reunited. Anx set Bast back down, and she laid down, curling up on the step beside me. Anx sat down beside her absentmindedly petting her and he spoke.

"I'm sorry." I looked up at him. I could see the tears start to well up. The thought of my baby brother crying, it just... I'm just not good at this sort of stuff. I get so awkward and stiff. 

"For what?" I cringe at how bland I sounded. I definitely can't help if I sound like a robot.

"The attack... I... I" The attack, wait? Did he mean... "You helped me and you paid the price."

"Anxiety that's not..."

"You had the attack that I was going to have and I don't even know how that was possible." I don't know what to say. He was just sitting there hugging himself as if that's the only thing holding him together. Where is Patton when you need him. I looked down at my hands and cringed. They were pretty beaten up. I had already picked out whatever pebbles were in my hands. However, the blood from the cuts covered my hand, making it look worse than it was. It still hurt badly though. If Patton saw this he would freak.

"Your... Hands." I looked back at him and I could see his worry. I tried to tell him it wasn't that bad, they just had to be cleaned. He wasn't hearing it though.

"MEOW!" The cat jumped up drawing Anx's attention from my hand and back to her. It sounded like she was trying to talk to him but... She's a cat. No one would be able to...

"You tripped him?" What? I'm confused. Did he just understand her?

"Meow?" The cat flicked her tail and pointed her ears towards me in a sort of questioning manner. It looked... It looks like more stuff for my notes. I should be recording as much as I can... But I don't think I can write right now. Anx grabs my hands and inspects them over. He then stands up and stretches.

"Ok... Come with me." Anx pulled me to my feet as he starts for the door, dragging me into the kitchen with him. He summoned a chair and I sat down. I watched as he summons a cloth, rinsed it in the sink, and then proceeded to clean my hands. This is the first time I ever saw Anx look so focused. When my hands were finally clean, he took the cloth, and in a downward movement of his hand, turned it into gauze. I just stared as he set the gauze on the table. He then takes my hands again Anx inspects them like he did before.

I thought he didn't like using his magik. Or... Was it not that he did want to use it, but more, he didn't want to use it around us. Was it he didn't want us to know? If so why was he using them now, I never told him I knew he had magik.

"I thought you said they were fine." I looked at my hands and noticed they were still bleeding. On top of that, my hands were still too painful to move, and Anx was not happy about it at all. "That they just had to be cleaned."

"I didn't want you to worry." 

"That is my job. Hold still!" He lets go of my hands and sets his own on top, which hurt by the way. I held my tongue and resisted the urge to pull them away. I had no idea what he was doing anyway. A soft lavender glow emits from Anxs palm, making my hand glow purple. I look up at Anx and notice his eyes were glowing too. Just what was he-

"Meow?" Bast jumps up onto my lap and curls up. She starts to purr and the sound slightly distracts me from whats going on with Anx.  Next thing I know, he was back to normal and my hands were healed. Well... Slightly. They're being still a few cuts but they were no longer bleeding.  I tried moving my hands but found they were still sore, however, they were a whole lot better than before. Anx grabs the gauze and wraps both my hands.

"I'm sorry I'm not that good at healing magik. Earth Elementals would have been more helpful." He says as he washes the blood off his hands.

"I'm a bit surprised," I called back thinking about what he did for me.

"About what?" 

"That you used your magik so openly. I must admit I thought you didn't want us to know." I saw him pause and think it over. The longer he thought the darker is face got.

BroKen~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now