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(AN~ Might be a bit weird to read it's kinda nothing but dialog. I was trying something out but I don't think it worked right but anyway I still hope you enjoy it lol... Also, I recently got inspired to continue updating my Venturiantale Fanfic DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket, so I will strive for at least one part a week on both)

"I am assuming that we will be staying at your base. Am I correct?"

"I don't see a problem with it. It would be nice to see home again."

"How long have you been away from your base?"

"Well, I left to go help Glinda about..."

"It's been a year."

"And how would you know that, Dr. Gloom?"

"Really, you avoid me for a week and the first thing you finally say to me is that."

"Boys no fighting."

"So you have been away from your base for approximately a year now?"

"Yes. That sounds about right. I guess..."

"Sounds about right?"

"Anx, kiddo, now's not the time for such hostility."

"Yeah, Anxiety now's not the time for your crap."


"I was just repeating what you said."

"Can I leave now? I'm not really feeling up for... this."

"No Anxiety. You are just as much a part of this as us. You need to be present when discussing such plans as we are. I think the term is... Deal."

"Deal? As in, deal with it... Seriously?"

"So if I calculated this correctly, it should take us approximately 36 hours to get to the western vale border, if we were to leave from the Mind Palace. It would take 24 hours if we were to leave from my home, and from Patton's, it would about 30 hours."

"Really Logan, you had to calculate the distance of your houses... in hours... Really?"

"Yes. I had to determine the quickest route to take... I would have done yours and Anxiety's as well but I am not aware of the location of your homes."

"No, what I think he meant was why did you have to bring it up in this meeting? Don't you think that saying all that is just a waste of time and energy?"


"Fine whatever."

"You done yet Anxiety? Anyway, My Castle on the Eastern border. And Logan... You could have just asked where my castle was."

"I did."

"Kiddo, how far away is your house."

"Two hours! Are we done yet?"


I was done with this conversation.  I couldn't even keep up with who was talking anymore, it was all just jumbled words. The anticipation of going back but the fear of the what if's are making me sick. I'm trying to fight off a headache, while also trying my hardest to give a shit... For Patton. I think what I said yesterday hurt him. I didn't mean to, but it's the truth. I came back because Elphie told me to try. She said if Patton was a father, My father, then he would be sad and worried for me. He would not be angry at me. He would miss me. She said if I missed him I owe it to myself to try. To take that first step, and test the waters, instead of worrying I'm going to drown... I needed to swim. The last thing she told me before she left was that I am but one person, one piece of a whole. I don't need her, I needed them. So I had to get off my ass and try.

And by try... I mean go back home and hide in my room until I couldn't anymore. 

"Wait your house is two hours form the western border? AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!" 

"I'm sorry, no one asked me!"

"I did." 

"Kiddo where are you going?"

"My room!" I slammed the door of the conference room to show that I was done. I can't understand how people can subject themselves to that all the time when I can't even get through one. Roman wasn't helping either. You don't ignore someone just to start treating the like shit literally for no reason. That's not how people work... I think... I don't know, I can't think straight. All of this is just insane. We are going to help with the nightmare problem. However, Elphie came for me, not them, yet I still have to sit through all this planning and stuff when they don't even realize the whole story. It's not even like I'm hiding that I've been there. I'm tired of all this hiding and secrets and... 

Sure there are things I REFUSE to let them know, but they already figured out that I know her so... there is literally no point in hiding that I've been to the base If they asked me where it was I could have just told them how long a journey it was. I don't understand this. I don't understand why they have to come anyway. I don't want them to... It would just be so much easier on me if they didn't.

I don't know why they have to come anyway. We are going to fight NIGHTMARES. They won't be able to fight them... They will just...

"Is something wrong, Anx?" Roman stood in front of my door with a sad look on his face. This guy must be bipolar or something. First, he ignores me, then he's an ass, then he cares... No, you don't do that! 

"Look I'm sorry." 

"For what exactly... Princey ?"  He looked like I had just stabbed him. Great, he's going to make me out to be the bad guy. Like he had just came here to help and the mean old Anxiety just couldn't be nice. I pushed him out of the way of my door, completely ignoring the fact that I pushed too hard. He fell. It was not prince-like. 

I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling. Roman was just standing by my door like a weirdo. If he wasn't going to say anything why did he follow me in here? It wasn't long before I heard someone knocking on the door. I think I know why too? Roman went and answered the door. Thank god, I didn't really feel like getting up right now. 

"Kiddo, I think it's time."

"Indeed, Patton. We should all head out towards the vale. Are you and Roman ready." Yep like I said, I know what it was for. They wanted to leave. Logan had already said he wanted to set out as soon as he can, leaving e no time to relax.

"I'm assuming I am your guide then." Considering I didn't see Elphie with them, I thought I would ask. She must have gone home right after the meeting. It did look like she was homesick, but then again... Who could blame her? 

"Fine... Let's Go."

(AN~ Totally thought I had posted this last night lol... turn out I didn't)

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