Patton (ch. 14)

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I stood there staring at a beautiful fountain. The mystery women I spoke to wasn't kidding when she spoke of it. I could feel the emotions that were here. This spot had a spirit, one that you could melt into. I was glad that I spoke to her. She did surprise me at first, but I could tell the kind of person she was. Her spirit matched his... Anxiety's. He always had the kindest heart. 

I stopped for a moment and let the earth around me soften. It rose up, formed, and then hardened again, allowing me to sit without sitting on the fountain. That's one good thing about being an Elementalist, you can always find a place to sit... and ingredients for cooking. what? I like to bake. Maybe I should explain? Um... well let's see.

I am an advanced Elementalist. There are levels above advanced, it goes all the way to master. Our group isn't set in stone like the others are. Let me explain more.  Illusionists are classified by their type of illusions. They have Espionage, Attack, and then defensive. Espionage magic is mainly disguises and stuff that can get you information. Most people with this type tend to be spies or P.I's. Attack and defensive are just how they sound. They are used for attacking and defending. I have also heard rumors of a master Illusionist, but I don't really know anything about it. 

Mind magicians are classified through the secondary gift. Uh... They have locators, soothsayers, the clairvoyant... As well as what Logan is, which is an Empath. Locators are people can find anything or anyone just by thinking of them. They are often also good at teleportation as a support to their gift. Soothsayers are basically fortune tellers. They use their knowledge of the past present and future to create detailed plans for battles yet to come. But... They are just as rare as Empaths. They can delve deep into people emotions and can even alter them if need be. With Logan, it makes him frazzled and more than a bit confused. However, I think that's just Lo. If he tried I bet you he can be really powerful just like Anx. An Emotionally charge unstoppable knight. But maybe I'm just hopeful. Anyway, the last one, the clairvoyant, they are the ones that can read minds. Just like the soothsayers they use the information they gather to make plans for battle. Though Clairvoyant Magicians are better for on the spot plans as they can see peoples thoughts in the moment and can work around them. Whereas the soothsayers don't have that. It takes time to see images of time, and it isn't always that useful.

Ok so... with dreamers they are primarily classified through there jobs. Or at least what they do. You have the genies, the dream knights, and the sorcerers. The genies grant wishes, the knights are the fighters, and the sorcerers are basically their support. I think... I've never actually met one so I'm going off what I read.

There are beast magic users as well. They have beast tamers that go and tame a beast or two to fight with them. The Chimas, they create Chimeras, which are beasts made out of many different things. I have a suspicion that Elphaba is a Chima, what with her flying monkeys and all. Then have the Weres, they are human that can turn into animals, using the abilities of the animal they chose to overcome an obstacle.

You have the Alchemists, druids, and faes...

Then you have your myths, vampires, ghouls, zombies, nightmares... and The Oracle. 

The Oracle is someone who has the power of prophecy. They are chosen and given this gift. they are not born with it. Oracles can see the fabric of time and the strongest of them could even bend it. And when they see their death, they chose a successor, training them until the time arrives. There is only one alive at a time. at least, that's what the books said.

You also have those that don't specialize but they are whoever they say they are. They aren't classified specifically.

finally, you have me, or the Elementalist. We are specialized kinda weirdly, I think anyway. It starts with the element we can control, then it goes into rank, meaning through enough work our rank can change... Base level up to master... There are 9 major elements and 5 minor ones. Out of the 9 major, you have the base elements earth, fire, water, and air. If you master all of them and only then you are a base elemental. Then you have the second one's Lightning, metal, light, shadow, and spirit.  If you master them and only them then you are a Secondary Elemental. If you master all the Majors you are a Major Elemental. Same with the minor ones which are plant, poison, weather, heat, and ice. Often time if you can do a major you can do a minor as well but I did read that you can have people who only can do minor ones. Then after that, you have meanly advanced which means I just don't fit the others. I've mastered earth, spirit, light, weather, and plant. I can use the others but I haven't mastered them. And you only called a Master Elemental once you mastered all the elements... I think the book said there was only ever one that did.

There's just a lot to know about Magic and Magik. Like the difference between the two. Magic is the natural energy of everything. its the core of every living thing. Its also used as a unifying subject like the Magic groups. whereas Magik is what we create. Its energy we create and manipulate into spells. A tool so to speak. But... You wouldn't just no that going into things. You have to learn it. I never had that, and when Logan started to show signs, I knew I need to be there for him. So I picked up a few books, asked a few people, even went to Witches Library in the Southern Base. I went and tried to learn everything I could because he needs someone to help him. I did everything myself, I wouldn't let him do it alone too. 

I sighed and stood up allowing the earthen chair to return to normal. I took one look around the enchanting fountain one last time and left it to sleep again. My thoughts wandered back to the mysterious woman again as the bushes covered my view of the fountain, returning it to is hidden splendor. She seemed happy to see me, maybe even relieved. I couldn't figure out why.

I enjoyed her company though. She told me all these stories about Anx and his time here... She seemed very close to him and Marcos. I loved hearing them even if it made me sad I wasn't apart of it. I don't know. I should just stop and enjoy the present. It is a gift after all.

I stifled a little laugh and made my way back to the house. Maybe I'll ask Anx who the women were.


"There's this fountain in the woods. You should see it. It's... magical..."

"Fountain... Why?"

"Because it's special. It's where my father was his happiest."

"Your father?"

"Uh-huh, He always had the biggest smile."

"Well if it means so much, why have me go there?"

"Well, a father should be apart of his kids happiest moments. Don't you think so Patton."

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