Patton (Ch.15)

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"Heya Kiddos, Whatcha doin?" I looked around the table at all the papers littered around it. It was obvious they were planning something but they're looking kinda down. Oh, I know how to fix this. "Wait no, let me guess?"


"Let me guess! Please, Roman." Roman just sat there his focus was solely on the papers in front of him. I've never seen him so... I don't know how to explain it.

"Pat I don't think..."

"Finger Painting!" Everyone just looked up at me. I knew that wasn't it. I was trying to be a bit outrageous. They all look like they need a laugh.


"Are you writing a play?"  That got a small smile out of him.

"No... But it would've been amazing."

"OK, then what about magik."

"No, I'm not doing magik." I meant learning about it but... Wait can he do magik? I just stared at him. It would make sense. I mean, after all, we all can use magic. It would be stupid to assume he can't. See Logan I know what assume means. I stiffed a chuckle and got back to my guessing.

"How about..."

"Look, Patton, we all appreciate what you're doing but we really need to get back to this. Were just stumped is all." Roman looked back at me with the most tired looking smile I have ever seen. I hated it. Whatever he's doing better be worth this. Or I'll ground him... for making me worry. That'll teach him... Right?

"I am confused." I looked at the girl who said it, with a big smile. Roman, however, was not smiling.

"Pat no!"

"Hi confused, I'm dad!"Roman facepalmed and everyone laughed. It wasn't long though before he laughed too. Good that's what I wanted, laughter. Not those stress out smirks, I wanted genuine smiles. I figured I would let them get back to their planning, so I started to leave.

"Wait, Patton, You should stay. You could help us a lot actually." Roman was still focused on the papers but he pulled out a chair, I hadn't even realized was there. I sat down and waited. I didn't want to mess up whatever they did already by grabbing papers so I just wait for someone to explain. Roman introduced me to everyone and then went back to work.

"Hey, Pat did you ever make a cake for the vale?" 

"Yeah If I remember correctly. the day program had this recurring customer every year asking for a birthday cake. They stopped coming, though. I felt bad because I didn't know why. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason, someone told me something and I just wanted to ask if it was true. I tried to find you earlier but I didn't where you were." 

"I was at this beautiful fountain in the woods. It so cute, with all the flowers and the colors. You would love it." There was no reply, and after a few minutes, I was starting to get bored. So I pulled a seed out of my pocket and started to play with it a bit.

"Where'd you get the seed?" Amanda looked over at me with a childlike wonder. It was so cute.

"I always have one on me. For when I get a little bored. You want to see a trick?" She started nodding her head and the whole table shook with anticipation. But... Roman had to be a party pooper.

"Patton not now, besides you've never been good a magic trick." That's what you think.

"So what are we doing Roman? I'm bored!" 

"We are trying to plan a birthday party for Anxiety. Which you would know if you actually tried to help, instead of playing with a stupid seed." Roman stopped and just stared at the paper. I could sense his guilt. He didn't mean to yell at me. He's just frustrated. I mean, he is right. I am not helping.

"So it's a birthday party for the kiddo. Ok. Why though, his birthday is next month." Everyone just shrugged. Shelli went through the list of what they had planned so far. While Amanda was still begging to see the trick, and Kyle was going over all the risks that he found.

"Wait..." They stopped what they were doing and look up at me. I started to fidget with the seed again but this time out of nervousness. "If it's this big party, don't you think Anx would have a hard time." This caught Romans attention. I think he forgot in all his planning that... Anxiety has never really done well with crowds. That's why we never forced him to go to big events.

"Right! That's why it was always just Elphie, Marcos, and Draak." Draak, wait, Anx knew Draak. I looked over and saw Roman in a bit of a panic. "I'm sorry, I forgot he didn't... It's just... That's what we called him." Amanda just looked defeated. They weren't telling me something, and if it involves my son... They better start talking. 

The earth around us starts to soften and shake. It latched onto the chairs and slowly climbed them. I was angry. It stopped after a few seconds and hardened, causing the chair to be stuck and immovable. I hadn't even realized I had done that. I was more focused on Roman and getting him to talk.

"What don't I know."

"Patton it's not important."

"Roman he's my son!" The ground beneath us started to shake again and the others started to get concerned but when they tried to get up... Their seat wouldn't move.

"Patton, it fine-" I missed 5 years of his life. 5 years of birthdays and fun and smiles and... I  just missed it all. I wanted to come here so badly because I wanted to see what I had missed. I felt as tears fell from my face. " Patton... Fine. Draak is Anxiety. It's what he went by here. Like I said not important." Not important! You mean to say that Elphie came to us with full intention to send my son on a suicide mission. She knew exactly, who she was sending. The fact that it was some kid was bad enough but I refuse to accept that Anx is their... their...

"WHAT!!" Lightning struck a tree that was nearby scaring everyone at the table. I was immediately pulled into an embrace. A calming warmth surrounded me and I melted into the arms of the person behind me.

"What the hell was that!" Roman yelled as he picks himself off the ground. He had fallen backward in shock. The ground around the chairs seemingly back to normal.

"Lightning." Logan called out in his usual "Duh" tone, as he held me tighter. I messed up again. I let my emotions get the better of me. If any of them had gotten hurt. I turned my self around and buried myself into Logan. I must be affecting him but I need his strength right now. Its how we work. When I break has there for me and when he breaks I'm there for him. 

"Patton I'm sorry. I... I found out at the meeting. That's why I was so upset. I thought... I thought it would be better if you didn't know."

"Better for who." I just kept crying. Hiding my tears and soaking Logan's shirt. I won't let them see me sad anymore. I can't... The mean so much to me. I can't let them hurt because of me.

"Him!" I whip myself around and stare at Roman. Logan pulls me back into a hug so that he can ground me, meanwhile, I'm just lost in thought. Him? Better for... Him? Anxiety, why... Why would he hide something so important? Why would he risk himself? Why would he accept knowing who he was against? Why does it have to be Anxiety?

"I spoke to him you know?" I looked up at Logan, who was just staring at the now cloudy sky.

"What about?" I kept silent as the boys spoke. All I wanted was to know if he's ok. By now the others had gone. They probably didn't want to be caught up in a storm. Not that there was going to be one.

"Nothing much. We spoke about tomorrow..."

"What about tomorrow." I could hear the worry in his voice. He kinda looked defeated.

"Nothing. It was nothing. Why are you so concerned?"

"Because... The party is tomorrow."

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