Short (Roman)

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I walked out of our base home and headed toward the central square. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for. There at one of the tables sat three people chatting away, with cups in their hands and papers laid out in front of them. This is going to be grand.

"Hey slowpoke glad you could make it." A girl in a white jacket called out to me. She was the one I spoke to earlier after the intro thing we were forced to do. If I was going to be forced to go on stage without time to prepare I was going to make the most of it. I had to, for Anx. "This is Amanda." she says as she points over to another girl in a purple hat. "and this is Kyle." the young boy looks lifts his head for only a second, then he was back to planning. I sat at the table and let the two girls go over what they've thought of so far. 

"I was thinking fireworks."

"No fireworks!"

"Awe Shelli, fireworks are awesome."

"Shelli's right I just don't think Anx would like them." Shelli just nods in confirmation and Amanda looks upset. 

"Whatcha guys doing over here?" I look up to see a girl with curly black hair looking over my shoulder. Her eyes light up when she sees what it is and I swear I could hear her start to purr. "You guys are planning a party! That's so sweet." She looks over at me and for a moment I thought she was Anx. It must have been her smile.

"Yeah... I thought it would be a nice way to get to know everyone, and well..."

"We all thought it was a nice way to catch up on the birthdays we've missed for Draak... er I mean..."

"It's fine, I know already."

"You also know it's not his birthday right." Kyle glances up from his book to give me the "really" look that Logan always gives me.

"Yeah I know but... I missed it again! Even after he came back I just... I want to make it up to him. I've been so mean to him.

"You should get a cake!" The mystery girl yelled out. She immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment and then started to apologize, over and over again on repeat.

"Why a cake? Anx never really wanted cake. Though he wasn't one for parties either." Once again her blue eyes lit up.

"Because silly! Every year Elphie would go and get a special cake just for him."

"What made it so special?" Everyone was just staring at the new girl intently like she had all the information on Anx. It kind of sounding like she does though. Who is she?

"The cake wasn't special."

"But you just said-"

"It was made by someone specail. At least that's what Marcos said." She knew Marcos too. Wait, of course, she did, he lived here, everyone knew him. Everyone knows everyone here.

"Wait, hold on. Am I the only one wondering who she is?" Kyle looks around at everyone, both the girls looked just confused as he did. She isn't from here, but I thought...

"Oops, guess that's my cue to leave." The mystery woman winks at me and starts to go.

"Wait, who was the person that made the cakes." She stops and starts to twirl her hair, her eyes lost in thought.

"I think it was someone named Pot-ten or Pat-man, maybe it was Mat-ton."


"Yes, that's it! She would go to this place called the day program and ask them to get Patton to make a birthday cake. He said that according to her, this Patton guy was super sweet and would make one every time. Something about him saying kids deserve the best sweets on their birthday." Yep, that sounds like him. And with that, she left before I could ask anything else. I looked back at everyone and they looked just as confused. 

"Well, I know who I'm talking to next."

(AN~Mystery girl showed up again. Where will she turn up next? What is her name? Why does she remind people of Virgil and Marcos? Will we ever find out? No probably not lol Stay tuned! Next time on "ME"!!)

(Also Comment what you guys thought Roman was doing, before you had found out in this chapter, if you thought about it at all lol. I love hearing from you guys!)

(Double also lol, tell we your thoughts on the new girl. Who do you think she is? How does she know so much? Why doesn't anyone know her? Let me know what you guys think.)

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