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"Oh no. Oh no. No, no ,no ,no ,no. " I mumbled over and over trying to move fast without breaking into a sprint. The boys dig around in the trunk, jostling and shoving other bags as they go. My blue duffle bag tumbles out and smacks the ground with a loud thud.

"Dude be careful" the one with black hair scolded the boy searching the trunk.

"Sorry sorry, I can't find my bag ." the boy replied. One with hair so blonde its white steps up. "Need help?" He asked.

"No, I'm good." A look of hurt washes over the white haired boys face, but he doesn't say anything.

Another one with dark brown hair shoves the red head, the boy at the trunk, to the side. " move it slow poke,you're taking too long." The brunette shrugged..

"Who'd you guys get?" He asked.

The white haired boy is the first to speak "I'm with Jackson."

"Oh how I love the sound of Bam Bam's snoring in the morning" Jackson deadpanned pulling free another three bags and letting them carelessly fall to the ground.

"Seriously guys, be careful. Some kids might have brought some valuable stuff." The ravenette frowned trying his best to pick up all the bags.

"What Jinyoung? Valuable like that stuffed teddy you carry everywhere?"

Jinyoung blushed "shut up mark.." He grumbled.

Mark smirked " hah, well I'm stuck with Yugyeom"

Yugyeom rolled his eyes. "Like being stuck with me is the worst thing in the world. At least I never used to wet the bed every time I slept away from home." He shot Mark a dirty look. "Oh wait, isn't that A present day problem?"

Marks face turned as red as Yugyeoms hair. "Y-you promised you wouldn't tell anyone."

The two were squaring up for a fight, or whatever you call the verbal abuse slaps sixth graders do, when Jinyoung suddenly pointed straight at me standing a few steps away from the group.

"We have company."

All of them turned to look at me and I suddenly feel very intimidated.

"H-hi." I stuttered out, waving awkwardly. BamBam is the only one to wave back with a kind smile.

Nobody says anything as I silently shift over and gently pick up my duffle bag, careful not to squeeze it too tight.

I go to wave them bye but think better of it. They probably already labeled me as the weird kid, no point in trying to be friendly anymore.

I scurried off to my cabin and latched the door behind me.

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