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"Why didnt you start with that Tae?!" Jungkook exclaimed "if you had started with that we wouldn't still be having this conversation!?"

Taehyung shook his head slowly and looks up at me with puffy eyes dead of emotion "he still wouldn't have believed me from the start anyways. I was wishful thinking this would go well without proof."

Hoseok smirked "well let's give him some proof."

The waiting game. We were going to play the waiting game. I wasn't lucky enough to be able to get immediate proof. I just had to have patience. obviously it didn't take much convincing for me to agree in playing. anything with the word game in it instantly had my full attention. what? I like games.

jungkook jumps up and rushes forward to grab the front of my shirt "you will help us save these kids. Got it? For your own, their own , and Tae's sakes. "

More threats  weren't really needed. I couldn't just let my friends die, even if that only included Bam for now, especially if my life was supposedly on the line as well.

"I feel like I'm trapped in some story book or something, you guys do realize how jacked this sounds right?" I said it with confidence but still couldn't bring myself to meet Jungkooks killer glare.

"Oh you dont even know the half of it. Its about to get real fiction up in here."

Hoseok pouted "is that what we're doing now? Comparing our lives to genre's?" He stroked his invisible beard "I always took more to movie ratings.    Rated R more specifically."

"For gore and violence or sexual content?"

"Why not both?"

Jungkook let go of my shirt and I smoothed it down with a deep frown. I could go for a death match at this moment. Any game would do really. Maybe even running over some innocent civilians in GTA.

Jungkook and Hoseok left after a long argument about what was to be served for breakfast tomorrow, leaving me alone with Taehyung.

"So what, are you like psychic or something?"

It takes Taehyung a while to compose himself enough to speak. If all this vision business was true, which I still wasn't 100% convinced, Taehyung was suffering. He pushed his palms against his eyes in an attempt to smooth away the bags and wipe away the tiredness, but his efforts proved fruitless?

*I guess you could call me psychic in a way. Except my visions nag me in never ending loops."

He stretched his arms wide emitting a loud yawn. The power of the yawn was always a mysterious one. Just watching him stretch and relieve a bit of pressure made me do the same and sent Holly scampering off under Taehyungs bed where she now slept. For whatever reason.

"How are you so tired? You always go to bed so early?" I inquired. Genuinely curious. Curiosity may have killed said cat but satisfaction brought it back.

"My eyes were closed, but I wasn't asleep. My breathing was steady but I wasn't asleep. Zen." Taehyung stumbled up onto his feet and proceeded to sway towards his bed.

"Zen, as in that meditation force?"

"Bingo Watson, glad you have caught up." He mumbled climbing in under his covers. He turned his back to me and hugged himself. "You might want to get to bed. You want proof? Well, let the game begin."

I didn't even argue. I got into bed immediately and turned out the lights, leaving me in the dark staring at the back of Taehyungs blonde head.

It didn't really bother me to know that all those times I had those long midnight talks with holly he was just Blissesd out, tucked in his own trance of utter calm, nowhere close to being asleep.

What really bothered me was the fact that he thought he had the right to claim the role of Sherlock!

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