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Stop reading! Get your ass on YouTube! And watch (g)i-dle's 'Alone 'mv if you haven't already. This is pure art and you won't regret it. I even put it in media for you

(Feel free to answer these questions as well!)

"Favorite colour?"


"Favorite movie?"


"Favorite game franchise?"

"Fire emblem"

"Favorite singer and or band?"

"I like a lot of singers and a lot of bands. Its too hard to choose from so many talented people."

"Favorite food?"

"I don't know...pineapple pizza?"

"Gross Tae, but moving on. Favorite Avenger?"

"Captain America." Taehyung grumbled out "what's up with you today?!"

I quickly scribbled down his last answer into my notebook ignoring his questions. Today was a free day meaning we had no activities scheduled. So, I took charge! The only way to figure out if I truly have a crush on Kim Taehyung or if I'm just curious, is to spend time with him, alone.

At least that was the plan.

I shoot a glare in BamBam's and Jacksons direction.

Quick run down shall we? So you remember when Bam cussesd out Youngjae and then attempted to hit him? Yeah well the others are still pretty mad about that. They're giving Bam the silent treatment , on Jae's orders of course. Its really petty to me, but at least Jackson is still sticking by his side.

Its pretty obvious that the brunette is whipped, cream and all. He's been clinging to Bam like a koala. Always coddling him with compliments to boost his non existent self esteem. He's a good friend.

"Why are you writing down everything I say?" Taehyung asked leaning over my shoulder. He smells like coffee today.

I closed my book quickly before he could read to much "nothing, I'm just observing you. After what happened in the cabin the other day I was thinking I should be more considerate of your triggers."

Who am I kidding. Even I wasn't convinced by that lame ass answer.

"What does my favorite food have to do with a vision trigger?"

"You never know." I shrugged. "Maybe its like indigestion. Has what you eat during the day ever affected the visions before?"

The blonde thinks on it "this one time I ate a jar of pickles and they disappeared for an entire day! Or maybe its because I slept all day that time? I don't know."

"We're here!" Jackson shouted over his shoulder.

By 'here', he meant the dock. They have these cool tire swings tied to some of the trees and he wanted to come test them out. Plus it was hot as hell. The lake was our best bet of not getting grilled alive before dinner time.

"That looks dangerous." Bam mumbled staring at one of the swings.

The large black tire was tied to a thin tree branch with a fraying rope. The tree itself leaning precariously with half of its roots shooting up from the ground. The others were no better. Where there wasn't sharp rocks lingering beneath, there was a hive full of angry bees awaiting a fool stupid enough to even glance in its direction. We were no fools.

"Im sure they are safe, they have safety codes here. The camp wouldn't still be open if it wasn't safe." Jackson reassured us, but he himself wasn't brave enough to try risking an example, so instead he took off sprinting towards the dock.

His feet sounding like cannons, pounding hard against the dark wood till he arrived at the edge and lept off with no hestation. The water splashing in confirmation to let us know he in fact did not plummet to a death by sharp rocks.

BamBam followed him soon after. Ripping off his stripped shirt and diving in after the brunette.

Taehyung was silent beside me watching the pair play around in the clear water. The only part of this camp which was wholesome and 100% pure.

He was wearing an oversized black 'MCR' T-shirt with a pair of watermelon swim trunks.

My own apparel was rather similar to his. Plain white shirt with red trunks.

"I think we should befriend kyungsoo." He said breaking the silence and startling me. "If we get close to him maybe we can gain his trust, learn something about Kai."

Not exactly what I wanted to talk about now, but I'll take what I can get.

"You really think he's involved?" I asked thinking about the jittery owl eyed ravenette "he seems kinda...odd, but not murderer odd."

Tae sighed "how do you know what murderer odd looks like?"

So I told him the story of my aunt on dads side. Yet another crazy story about my fucked up family.
Auntie Raena had always been really really odd for as long as I can remember. She didn't stop by very much besides Christmas or my birthday but she would send letters regularly to check in. She wasn't a figgity person like kyungsoo, always clutching his backpack , eyes shifting nervously. She was always calm and composed. Nothing surprised her, ever. She never smiled, never in a genuine way. Only one that was forced and quirked to the side, yet still so polite. Her laugh was timed with corresponding nods. And she had the rule about approaching her from the back.

Once when I went to stay at her house she locked me in my room for hours when she went out and when she did return to let me out she never said anything, acted like it never happened. She did that for the the entire two weeks that I was there. I never knew what she was doing when she went out or why I needed to stay in my room. Not really sure if I ever really wanted to know.

"She had this chess board in her study that I was never allowed inside. The police found it. Each square was marked with a date and a name of people she killed."

After I finished my story I felt like shit. A lot of crazy things happen in my family on a daily basis and I've never had anyone to talk about them with. Besides my girl holly but she always has to much to comment.

With Tae, though I've known him for such a little amount of time, I feel comfortable sharing things with him.

I didn't realize my hand was shaking until Taehyung took it in his, giving it a firm squeeze. You guessed it, it was sweaty.

"Still, even if he doesn't give off those vibes, Kai does." He said glancing at me. I could swear for a moment I saw emotion flicker in his eyes. Sadness? Anger?

"Remember when you asked me what I meant about kookie being gentle?"

I nodded.

"Well, technically what you were thinking was right, but not anymore. It was just a deal we made back when things were stormy. He saved me and I am forever grateful, I owe my life to him. It was a one time thing as some form of payment."

I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find any words. All I could hear was my own concerned chanting 'who hurt you?'

"Hey! Cumbuckets! Are you getting in the water or not!?" Bam shouted from on top of jackson's back. He looked so happy with his arms wrapped around the bigger boys neck and Jackson looked just as pleased. I really need to sit and have a chat with him sometime before shit gets really crazy. Cuz we all know the fun hasn't started yet.

"Get your fat asses in here! Let's play chicken!"

Taehyung frowned but none the less began to tug me forward towards the water "do I really have a fat ass?"

Its a filler! Because I wanted to write but didn't know what! Can't write cute shit! Can't write steamy shit! So I just write plain shit! Enjoy!

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