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I've been sitting here for at least two hours just staring at the blonde, scribbling away on his arm. Haven't seen him do that in awhile.

It's hot, like hot as hell. Bet you're wondering how I know how hot hell is? Well, I may not know now, but I'm sure once summer camp is over I'll have a one way ticket. You and me both.

Since it's so hot Taehyung decided to take liberties with his clothing. Wearing a simple red and white stripped undershirt and jean shorts he's looking like a snack.

A snack I would love nothing more than to eat in one bite. If you catch my drift.

Holly scampered out from beneath his bed, white fur black with soot and squinted her brown eyes at me. Like she just knew what I was thinking of doing.

So I smirked at her.

'What you gonna do pip squeak?' I taunted  with the raising of my brow.

She bared her pearly whites at me in warning 'touch one hair on his fine ass and I'll bite your dick off in your sleep'

Wow, I feel so threatened.

'Try it bitch, I dare you, who's gonna feed your scruffy ass while I'm in the hospital?'

Mom wouldn't feed her. Dad wouldn't feed her. She'd waste away trapped in my house wallowing in her own filth.

'Face it' my shrug replied 'I'm the only one who gives two shits about you.'

Holly bared her teeth once more before finally backing down. Every word I said was true and she knew it. With her tail between her legs she scampered back under the bed to do god knows what with what ever the hell else Tae kept under there.

"Earth to Yoongi." A finger snapped before my face "hey, you want to go down to the lake for a swim."

I blinked.

A swim? Alone with Tae? As enticing as it sounds....

"No. I had other thoughts in mind." I said.

Tae tilted his head childishly "like what?" He asked

Like this.

Grabbing him by the wrist I tugged him down and captured his lips with my own.

After a frozen minute I pulled away.  He didn't kiss back.


His eyes are blown wide, fluffy brows raised. And for the second time I see something flicker through his dead fish gaze. Surprise.

Slowly, a pastel pink creeps it's way along his cheeks and his jaw drops.

I guess his brain is just processing what happened. That thought alone puts a wide gummy smile on my face. Cute.

"Taehyung?" I laugh "are you okay?"

"Umm-mmm I-I ..." he stutters our. The blonde cups my cheek in one of his warm hands and nods before leaning in for another kiss.  Though it sloppy and inexperienced which has me raising my own brows in shock.

Granted I'm not very experienced myself. But, he did it with Jungkook. That guy is like the epitome of dominance. I'd think Taehyung would have learned.

Noticing my hesitation the smaller pulls away. "Oh my" He stumbled out quickly backing off "I'm sorry if I misunderstood! It's just-"

He's flustered. Just like how I was when we played truth or dare.

"It's fine." I added quickly. " you're fine, I'm fine. You didn't misunderstand."

Damn am I being bold today. Maybe I had a heat stroke and didn't realize.

"I wanted to kiss you again, it's just, I thought you'd have more experience than me cause you and Jungkook did the Do."

He looks confused

"You know? Put the plug in the socket? Did the tango? Got jiggy with it?"

Realization led to more blushing "oh yeah well, he never kissed me when we did that, neither of them did. You are my first, were."

Neither of them. So Jungkook wasn't the only one who rocked the cradle.

"Well." I said, thinking up a plan that could work to my benefit , and Taes too of course, but mostly my Pervy self " I could teach you, how to kiss that is."

Taehyung smiles down at me "when's our first lesson?"

Wasn't concentrating when I wrote this. Netflix on the brain.

Snap : ashbts03

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