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He was still blue, but it wasn't nearly as noticeable at this point. There were large patches of pale blue skin peeking out from beneath his clothing and his hair was still glinting with it slightly. He was still blue but I felt a bit at ease.

Taehyung sat across the mess hall chatting with that cheerful counselor. The one that gave the sun competetion for who was brighter. Hoseok talked animatedly to Tae , not at all caring about the boys doped smile. Whatever Jungkook gave him to calm him down seemed to still be working quite well.

Speaking of Jungkook. The elder male stalked into the mess hall soon after. Time appeared to slow in his presence. Jungkook had the facial appearance of a bunny due to his squared teeth but his mannerisms squealed lion. A predator, as he moved smoothly and swiftly across the room and sat beside Taehyung. He smiled fondly at the younger and Hoseok before returning to his poker face.

"See what I mean? Distracting." Bam mumbled around a mouthful of turkey sandwich. I grabbed up my own sandwich, forgetting for a second about it's existence, and bit off a huge mouthful. It took effort not to groan in pleasure at the taste. Hoseok knew his way around the kitchen. Something as simple as a sandwich or not! The man deserved respect if only for this edible art.

I tore my eyes away from Taehyung and his blissed out gaze and focused on Bam. "Taehyung is a pretty?" I asked.

Bam gave Tae a once over "I can't deny that he is, very much so, but no he's more of a special." He returned his look to me "special circumstance. A cruel pretty, vicious, cunning."

My mouth felt dry at the description "Taehyung said that he and I were the same. At the bottom of the Summer Camp food chain."

Bam smirked "yeah, you're a special circumstance as well, far more involved with him than you realize. That's how it works around here. Specials with specials. Pretties with pretties . extras with extras and us uglies with ourselves. "

I frowned and took another bite of my food. Bam Bam wasn't ugly, but he wasn't as pretty as Tae. But he wasn't ugly is the point! I like his white hair and fluffy eyebrows. His skin was impeccable as well. A thing that teenagers like us could only wish for. "You're not ugly. I like your face." That sounded way better in my head.

Bam seemed to get the message though. My words looked like they meant a lot to him. "Thanks, if only they could see that too. though I find it amazing that you would choose the oddball over us."

I wasn't really sure if that was true or not. Had I chosen Tae? Well, I did snoop through his things. I sighed, loudly "I'm amazed too."

Bam smiled at me " don't worry though. You can still come play games as long as your my friend." He moved to take a sip from his water but ended up spilling it all over the table when I suddenly gripped his hand. I shook it vigorously , my face hurting from the force of my joy.

"Really!? No jokes? I can still visit the hide out?"

Bam bam blushed deeply prying his hand away "yeah, I won't let the others say shit about it."

After we ate lunch we went back to Bam Bams cabin. His bunkie wasnt there and I was glad for that. We played uno for a while before Bam whipped out two hand helds. Life couldn't get any better at that point. I made an official new friend and I got to play Mario kart too! What else could a young boy want!

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