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My heart stopped.

Like literally I put my hand to my chest to check and I couldn't get a pulse.

Was this supposed to be a prank? Were Taehyung , Jungkook and Hoseok apart of Jackson and crews gang secretly and this was my punishment for botching initiation?


"Just shut up and listen!" Jungkook snapped impatiently.

My mouth snaps shut on reflex and stays that way. Is it hot in here? I swear the temperature just keeps rising and rising every passing second.

Taehyung continues slowly. He talks carefully like one would talk to a child "your friends are going to die." He repeats "I know this just like how I knew that family was going to die on their camping trip, that old couple in their house and those people on the ferri."

He was referencing the newspaper clippings.

"H-ho-ho-ho." I took a deep breathe and calmed myself. "h-how?"

Hoseok giggled "Santa Claus is quaking ."

He was ignored as Taehyung took the chance of looking me in the eye to ensure he had my full attention.

"I see these clips. Snippits of events that haven't happened yet."

I furrowed my brows.

"They reflect in almost everything. In eyes, glass , water. It replaces things."

"Replace?" I asked.

"Like when you go to the movies and they have the previews and adds before the actual movie? While we see a man talking about dental care Taehyung sees his visions." Hoseok supplied.

"On billboards and flyers too. Almost any surface." Jungkook added.

"Only when its near doomsday." Taehyung said. He rung his pale hands repeatedly till they turned red.

"Visions?" I am suddenly incapable of talking in sentences.

"They last up until the day they are supposed to happen, doomsday. Then they dissapear for a while. The last one I had was the camping trip." He looked tired "I thought I would get a break for a while after that but I was wrong. I first spotted the new one when we were in the bathroom."

When he screamed at the mirror.

"its not just a vision this time, there's sound"

"what sound?"

"not like voices, or crickets or anything.  Seven sounds to be exact , all the same."

he makes a gun with his pointer finger and thumb and points it at the dream catcher hanging between our beds.


I dont know if it was anger out of being told a ridiculous story like this or pure confusion at the fact that I kinda believed it, but I laughed. Laughed like what they we're telling me was the funniest thing in the world. Laughed like a mad man, someone hyped on an a good fix. Laughed till my stomach ached and pain made me sober up.

What was the normal reaction when being told that someone could see into the future? That what they saw was your first ever friends, well I hoped they considered me a friend, being shot down.

"You guys are full of shit." I grumbled staggering to my feet. And to think I was ,what was the word Bam used? Gaydreaming! To think I was gaydreaming about this boy!

Taehyungs hand shoots out and catches me around the wrist. He clutches it desperately to his chest like I'm his last hope. A role which I assumed was reserved for Hoseok. "Please" he croaked . Is he crying? "I need your help. You're the only one who can help me."

"Why should I help you?" I asked yanking my hand back. Taehyung sobs into his hands completely crestfallen. Stress and sleep deprivation reaking havoc on his soul.

"Because you're a nice boy and want to prevent seven kids from dying?" Hoseok shrugged

"Because you're not an ass and are just in shock. Hoseok and I were like that when we first found out too." Jungkook glared at me.

"Because if you don't you die too."

That last one got me.

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