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I licked across Taehyungs bottom lip eagerly asking for access. The blonde complied, opening his mouth silently and allowing me to explore. I had his hands pinned up above his head so he couldn't push me away, but he was complacent as always. Being submissive and squeezing his slender legs closed when I pushed my knee up between them.

"Y-yoongi..." Taehyung sttuterd out when we pulled apart. I stared at him while trying to catch my breath. Then it hit me. I was straddling him, had him pinned to the couch.

"Damn, that was hot."Jackson snickered punching BamBam in the arm. The white haired male swatted him away with a grin, giggling like a school girl.

Now, I bet you're wondering how we went from a creepy hook up in the woods to a steamy hook up in the treehouse. Taehyung lying beneathe me with clouded eyes. Me memorizing every minute detail on his face, knowing I would probably never get a chance to kiss anyone like this ever again. Especially a beauty like Tae. Well, allow me to explain from the beginning.

It all started in music class with Namjoon.

There was a small incident between Youngjae and Bam. The forever sad boy was sitting in the corner of the music cabin crying his eyes out about how much Jaebum loved to sing. The crew was originally trying to comfort him while Namjoon just watched awkwardly trying not to intrude. Eventually he just left to to find Jin, assuming he would know what to do.

Youngjae cried and cried and cried with Yugyeom sitting beside him rubbing his back soothingly. Something in Bam just snapped at that point. He went all out on Youngjae. Cold with no slaw. No hestation. My dude was wasted. He needed to go to the ER for these burns. I mean he hit every target. Crybaby. Attention whore. Conceated bitch. Boyfriend stealer. He made a start for the boy but was shoved back by Yugyeom. An action I knew hurt Bam.

The boys all gathered around Jae in a protective circle besides Jackson. He was on Bam's side with this one.  Youngjae wasn't the only one missing the people he loved, but he knew how much Bam like gyeom and refused to stop leading him on. Forgiveness would not be given

When he was finished he glared at the still crying boy"look youngjae, I don't hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd drink it."Then he walked out. Jackson, Taehyung and I in tow.

We took up refuge in the treehouse.

"Well, that was interesting." I said taking a seat on the couch beside Tae. He nodded his head in agreement.

Jackson sat beside Bam on the floor. I've seen that look before that he was throwing at the white haired younger. Its the look that my dad gives my mom when she cooks his favorite dinner. Absolute and utter pure love. "Youngjae was asking for it." He sneered.

Bam's small form shook with sorrow. "I guess so, but I didn't have to be so harsh on him." He whined.

"Why did you snap at him anyway?" Taehyung asked. This was the first time I'd heard him speak all day. Its been a kind of shrug and nod morning.

"Because he's using Yugyeoms affection to get pity!" Bam shouted. "He knows how much I like yugyeom! He already has JB why can't he just let me have something for once!"

Jackson winced. "I don't know why you like that red head fuck so much anyway. He's a jerk." He grumbled "there are plenty of other fish in the sea."

"Maybe for a pretty."

"Are we still stuck on the category thing?" I asked.

"What category thing?" Jackson questioned.

"Uglies, pretties, extras and special. The four categories of man kind. Yoongs is a special and so is Tae. You're pretty and I'm an ugly."

Taehyung frowned. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediately. Trying to catch my attention he tapped my shoulder and showed me his arm with all the inked words. He wrote 'why are we specials?'

I didn't think I needed to answer that for him. I found it kind of funny that he didn't know why he was a Special.

"Hey!" Jackson said trying to clear the sad air in the room. He didn't like the fact that his friend thought so lowly of himself, though completely flattered that the boy found him pretty. Handsome. Whatever. "How about we play a game?"

"What game?" Bam sniffed.

"Something simple until lunch. Truth or dare?"

Taehyung nodded in agreement. I was down and Bam wanted a distraction from his raging feelings so we began the game.

Things started slow with everybody picking dare. Stupid things like lick the bottom of your shoe or stand in an ants nest.

"Truth of dare Yoongi?" Jackson asked.


"I dare you to kiss Taehyung."

Insert me having a mild panic attack and interrogating Taehyung about if he was 100% okay with me kissing him. It would be my first kiss, officially if you didn't count my mum and aunts. He just shrugged. He didnt care and I couldn't just wuss out. Boys our age did not wuss out on dares!

So I kissed him and it felt like electricity. His lips were soft and warm and all I could think was 'more.' I loved the way he responded to my touch and allowed me to take lead, but it was kind of unnerving how he just followed along. Like he'd done this before and had it wired into his brain to submit when someone touched him that way.

Now that you are all caught up we can continue.

"Damn, that was hot."Jackson snickered punching BamBam in the arm. The white haired male swatted him away with a grin, giggling like a school girl.

"Who knew Yoongi was a beast?"

"A beast on the streets and a beast in the sheets!" The two highfived each other. My face flushed a deep red and I scrambled away from Taehyung.

"I'm so so so so so sorry Taehyung! I don't know what came over me!" I apologized backing away.

I knew just what came over me. The need for physical contact. The unconscious adoration and agreement. The increased heart rate and self conscious thoughts.

I had a cursh on Taehyung.


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