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Kyungsoo and Kai are hiding their relationship pretty well if I do say so myself.

I've never ever possessed the ability to hide my feelings for someone I held dear. My mom. Holly. Taehyung. Oh, yeah and dad too. And my aunts and uncles and cousins! Can't forget them. The crazy ones and the ones in jail as well of course. To cut to the chase I wasn't the best at hiding my feelings. So seeing these two act in such a way is a foreign custom.

The cabin was rather dark on account of thick drapes being pulled across all of the windows. Kyungsoo seated by himself on one bed with his backpack in his lap and his raven head angled down. Kai seated across the room on the other bed chatting with Chanyeol and baekhyun. Felix and Bangchan occupying the rugless floor space playing uno with slight difficulty. The main deck kept toppling over because the floorboards were so jagged and uneven.

Nobody seemed to notice our arrival.

" I can't believe you invited those fags!" Felix grumbled throwing  down a blue pick up two.

Bangchan scowled at the card before reluctantly grabbing up the amount and then turned that scowl to Felix " that's a little mean don't you think?"

"It's bad enough you keep inviting people into our friend group but now I never get any alone time with you. I missed it when it was just the two of us."

The blue haired boy placed down a blank card and called for Felix to pick up fourteen cards resounding in a spiteful 'son of a bitch' before he spoke.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled looking genuinely apologetic " I just thought that you'd want to make new friends."

Felix blushed ,brown eyes trained on his friend . I knew that look all too well. Say it with me now. Felix was w.h.i.p.p. E.d. Whipped! So whipped that he had whiplash from the force in which he received his whipping.

"T-that's not it..."

"Then what is it?" Banchan asked. If I wasn't currently a taken man I'd say that Bangchan was easily a Taehyung 2.0. Except he was taller. And his hair was blue. And he spoke fluent English. And he didn't have Visions. He didn't have a box smile or elephant moles. He probably didn't always smell of strawberries either. Ok so We've established that I am incapable of making comparisons. But!  They have the same aura. The same innocent glow to them that makes it impossible to say no.

"I-I-I " Felix sighed dropping all his cards and hiding his ever reddening face. "I just don't want to spend any more time with ass eaters. Chanyeol and baek are my limits."

At my side Taehyung tugged hard on my shirt sleeve to draw my attention. His gaze said that was enough ease dropping. Now was the time to do what we came there for. Nodding I stepped forward and decided that feigning anger would be kinda funny.

"So what if I eat ass!" I exclaimed startling everybody in the room including Tae who jumped at my outburst " e.a.t -a.s.s. Enjoy his jokes. Assist him.  Treat him right . Actually love him .Spend time with him . Suck his asshole. All the qualities of a good boyfriend!"

Bangchan was up in an instant. Nearly tripping over Felix in his haste to explain. "Yoongi! Taehyung!" He bowed low "I'm so sorry you overheard that." He apologized kicking  his blonde companion in the stomach " aren't we Felix?"

Felix glared. A cut throat stare surprisingly not angled at me but at Tae. "Yeah sure whatever."

The boy with the mullet snorted "Can that be considered an apology?"

Big ears shook his head " that's the best they'll get."

"Guys this is Taehyung and Yoongi. I invited them to hang out." Bangchan said .

"Unfortunately ." Felix cut in. Gathering up his things he quickly shoved past Tae and I to the door "I'll come back when these two leave. " he called over his shoulder to nobody in particular.

Hmmm. Did Felix have a problem with us? Sure it was pretty obvious he had a crush on his best friend who was constantly inviting other gay boys into their friend circle. You know what nevermind. I could see the issue.

"Sorry about him." Bangchan rubbed at the back of his neck "he has a hard time being around certain groups of people."

Gay people.

"Why?" Taehyung asked . Eyes ablaze with curiosity. He looked rather cute in the sweater I gave him. One of those ugly Christmas sweaters my nana made, but somehow he pulled it off.

"He came out to his parents a while back. Even though they accepted him he says he can still see the disappointment in their  eyes."

Baekhyun sighed "I wish my parents had at least made an effort to accept me. When they first found out about Channie and I they flipped."

"Oh I remember that!" Chanyeol cried "that was the summer they sent you to that Christian camp!"

Baek made a face at his boyfriend " I only spent one day. I called my mom as soon as I found out they weren't letting kids have any toilet paper."

"Because if you wiped your backdoor you were expecting company." I finished for him "I saw the add online."

Chanyeol snorted viciously . Rolling over onto his stomach to avoid Baekhyuns hits. "My mom made me cookies when I came out. She said it was about damn time."

What would my parents do when I came out to them. Because I had to eventually. Out of respect to them I couldn't stand the idea of hiding it forever. Out of respect for Taehyung I wanted to shout our relationship status to the world! But would they accept me? Mom yeah I had no doubts. But dad... he'd want to know when all of this started. When I started looking at boys in such a way. And I wouldn't have an answer for him because I myself didn't know.

I've never actually liked anybody before. Taehyung was the first. He's the only one I've ever looked twice at with any type of desire.

And then maybe that in itself was wrong. Did Tae even like boys? Or was he just influenced by his brothers advances and Jungkooks teasing. He said he wished that we never met. Me and the others included. He lumped me in with them. His boyfriend with his friends. Granted we were all going to die , but I can't help but wonder if that was a sign. That he never really wished to get together. That I somehow influenced his decision.

"Min Yoongi!" The voice startled me out of my dAze "you okay dude?"

I blinked a few times to clear my vision to find the one and only staring back at me. Leaning back against the headboard with a small smile tugging at his lips and his arms cross his chest the boy tilted his head. Brown hair flipped up off his forehead and dark eyes set into a heavy knowing stare. Kim jongin. Aka Kai.

I wanted to get out a few updates before school starts again! So excuse me if I'm not really in the flow of this story 😳

Point out mistakes please and thank you

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