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This is it! The last two chapters for summer camp. 🙇‍♀️. 🙆🏽‍♀️ thanks for reading. I enjoyed your company ~

Even though I'm potentially going to die in the next few days I can't help but reflect on my time at camp. When I first sat on that hot bus glaring daggers into Coach Raffes head all I could think about was how this would be a major waste on my time.

How I much rather be at home playing games or reading manga or something. But now that I think about it I would have been doing all of that alone. Sure holly is my girl and she's all I need in life but I don't have many friends besides her.

I was bitter back then. Creeped out by the weird kid on the bus who I happened to be sharing a cabin with and is now of all things my first boyfriend. Scared to socialize with the group of boys rummaging through the baggage trunk. Whom one of them is now my best friend.

I used to think that summer camp was a place where parents sent their kids to get rid of them for a few months but now I see it as an opportunity. A place though hot and in the middle of nowhere, good for making lifelong connections.

"So how did you guys manage to build a treehouse out here? " kyungsoo attempting to make small talk with BamBam snaps me back from my sappy thoughts.

"Oh it wasn't us" Bam says smiling up at the stars. You could never see them very clearly in the city but out here there were millions to gaze at. "Our parents came to this camp when they were kids and their parents before them. They built it up over the years. It's not anything special. No windows. Uneven floors . One time I even stepped on a nail. But it's like home."

Kyungsoo nods thoughtfully at that. "Wow, I wish my family could carry on traditions like that."

"You know I'm starting to think I was wrong about your ranking. You're pretty cool"

" I-I am? " soo blushes discreetly. Meaning his face lit up like a Christmas tree. Then it furrows in confusion . "Wait what ranking ?"

"Bam Bam likes to sort people into catergories based off of their social status and looks. Like pretties , extras , specials and uglies" I cut in

Bam beamed "but! I've changed my views on life. I now use Harry Potter houses instead! And you Kyungsoo would definitely be a hufflepuff. Even though before I had you as a slytherin. You had that school shooter/ baby kicker vibe."

"I'm a slytherin" Taehyung mumbles causing us all to snort at him. He pouts "what?"

"You are not a slytherin"

"Am too."

"You're too soft hearted to be a slytherin! Too much cuddle and not enough muscle. "

"I'll have you know that slytherin is actually the most charismatic house out of all. They have high team morals." He snips out before walking up ahead.

The rest of the walk was spent picking fun at Taehyung. Giggling like little girls till he looked on the brink of crying . See too soft.

When we arrived at the treehouse we climbed up one by one and made our way inside to find all the others there like BamBam said. Except yugyeom of course.

Jinyoung, Mark and youngjae sat on the ground in front of the TV cutting out comic pages while Jackson lounged off on the couch squinting up at the one light bulb casting barely any light to the room.

"Quiet down children your queen has arrived!" Bam exclaims waltzing in with his box of goodies.

Only Jackson acknowledges his presence and only with a short wave.

"Okay" I say facing Taehyung " what are we gonna do for our cabin. I was thinking we could do a Star Wars theme. I have a killer Darth Vader impression" I deepen my voice covering my mouth with my hand to make it echo " Luke, I am your father."

Kyungsoo frows in disapproval "dude you know he didn't actually say that right. He said ' no, I am your father.' Get your facts straight"

My face heats up " I knew that."

"Yeah sure you did"

The raven head walks away to take a look around the small room leaving me with my embarrassment and a pompous Taehyung. Karma. What a bitch.

"We can still do the Star Wars theme if you want Yoongi " he coos bending to peek at me from under my fringe.

"Nah it's fine. What did you have in mind?"

"Well" He straitens up and grabs the ballpoint pen from behind his ear. " I've always wanted to make fake blood. We could set up a fake crime scene and see which counselor could figure it out first. We could even dress up like Sherlock and Watson!" He scribbles his idea down on his arm as he talks. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit it was way better than my idea.

We settle down together on the floor in front of BamBam and Jackson who sit in the couch closer than necessary, whispering to each other. When he notices us he frows. Like he's just realized something.

"Hey , wasn't there a rug in here before."

Jackson shruggs "I think mark spilled paint on it a few weeks back. We threw it out. "

Was there a rug here before? I could barely remember. It was such a little detail that in all my excitement of first coming here I never really payed much attention to it. The floor is distinctively less comfortable though. It's hard to get comfortable what with nails poking my butt and some of the floorboards being slightly higher than others.

I turn to Taehyung to ask if he'd rather go sit on one of the chests in the corner instead but when our eyes lock I can immediately tell something is wrong.

"Taebear you okay?"

He doesn't answer me. Yet continues to look around the room with a pale face. He runs his hand along the floor, scratching them with his short nail creating an agonizing screeching sound.

"The floor" he whispers. Then bolts up to his feet startling me and everyone else in the room now covering their ears. What about the floors?

Looking up at the the light bulb hanging by a mere string he whispers "the lights"

What about the lights?

I go to grab his hand but he steps away from me and over to a far wall and scrapes his nails along that as well.

His nails peel back by the force. Tearing at the once protected skin, beads of blood seep out and smear light streaks on the surface of the wood. " Yoongi?"

" yeah ?" I ask , my heart beating out of my chest. The last time he acted this way was in the bathroom after that failed prank. When he screamed my ears off.

He turns to look at me and smiles. Showing off all of his teeth. " I told you I would need a pen"

Suddenly the trap door to the tree house Bursts open and we all scream in unison. Scrambling up from our seats.

Standing before us and blocking the only exit was the last person any of us expected to see. With his red hair sticking up at odd angles, black hoodie practically drowning him and his eyes worn like he'd been crying.

Kim Yugyeom with the silver pistol that he had stolen from Do Kyungsoo.

Stepping forward with a wicked expression his angled it at Bam Bam

"I told you I'd be back to kill you."

Oh shit.

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