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"Its too early for this." Bam groaned

"Agreed" I grumbled slightly lifting me head off the table.

Sitting in the cafe with us was Jackson and crew. Youngjae scowling per usual.

"Can you believe that they don't have a phone for us to call home?!" He exclaimed. Obviously upset about not being able to contact someone. "I'm already being forced to spend an entire summer away from Jaebum and now I can't even give him a call!" His brown eyes glazed over with tears pitifully as he voiced his complaints.

I feel sympathy for the guy I assure you, but I don't really understand how they can sneak a TV and all those other boss items in the treehouse to camp over the years, and not be able to sneak a phone. Its not like the counselors checked our bags or even went pat down style. Electronics were banned, but the rule wasn't really enforced. Unless there isn't any signal out here, which seemed pretty logical.

"Listen up pansies! I'm gonna say this once an only once!" Coach Raffe had all campers gathered for an early morning meeting. Early morning meaning before the usual wake up time. Which meant I felt like shit. "The old timers know about our annual event, and now I'm taking time out of my precious schedule to inform you greenies! So be grateful!"

His schedule wasn't all that posh. Hoseok told me all the coach did was slunk around his cabin all day, read romance novels, and sleep.

None the less nobody hesitated to fake smiles to please the eccentric man in neon sweats.

"Good." He smiled beneathe his mustache. " every year each cabin preforms in a sort of talent show. Us counselors and your fellow campers will visit each cabin throughout the entirety of a week and then it will be decided which duo was most impressive. " he took a moment to make sure we were all still listening. "You don't particularly need to have a talent, but something in your cabin needs to wow us."

"What's the prize!" Someone shouted from the back.

Raffe shot them a glare before straightening out his sweatshirt hautily "the prize is a choice at any meal, coutesy of counselor Hoseok-"


"Will you shut your shank faces and let me finish!" Raffe growled. His voice echoed throughout the silent cafeteria. "And one phone call home." He turned to leave. "That is all."

Youngjae perked up at the mention of a phone call. Yugyeoum elbowed him in his side. "What? No more tears now that you can phone up your boy toy?"

BamBam whacked Yugyeom hard in the back of his head. He glared at Youngjae but said nothing to the blushing boy." Leave him alone gyeom."

His actions made me think about his selective camp division methods. The pretties. The uglies. The specials. And the extras. I'd bet that Youngjae was a pretty. And being a pretty he took up all of Yugyeoms attention.

Bam caught me smirking at him and immediately averted his gaze.

Today's breakfast was chosen by Jackson since he offered to get for the table. Toast and strawberry jam with a side of bacon and eggs. Jinyoung passed around cups full of fruit punch. Mark just sat silently through breakfast smiling softly whenever someone made a joke. He didn't seem like a morning person.

The guys know that I chose Taehyung over them, they were a bit pissy at first. Glaring at me when Bam waved me over to their table, but the longer I sat her the more relaxed they became. I guess they finally realized that the choice was mine and nothing they could do would make me shun the blonde.

No matter how hard I tried, sitting here with my new friends having fun, all I could think about were Taehyungs words.

"Your friends" he mumbled after an excruciating long period of waiting "they're going to die."

Taehyung "claimed" that he had visions. He could see glimpses of the future reflected off almost any surface, and predict the impending doom, the ending of ones or many lives.

Said blonde boy was seated at the table beside ours by himself. He was dressed up in a orange hoodie and simple black jeans. His dead gaze was settled on another boy across the cafe sitting at a crowded table. Though the boys table was full, his shoulders were slumped and his face was hidden from view behind a thick bang of black hair. It was as if someone had drawn an imaginary line between him and the others at his table. They acted like he was invisible.

I excused myself from the table and trudged over to Taehyung.

He had one glass of water before him. After gazing at it for a few moments he stopped to scribble on his arm.

"So, where's this proof?" I asked. Taehyung jumped at the sound of my voice, knocking his glass over and sending it crashing to the floor. It shattered into pieces.

"The vision isn't that developed yet. I don't have much details." He looked up and frowned at me. I never noticed before how monotone he spoke. "But I'm sure he is our target." He said pointing at the invisible boy.

"Damn straight?"

Taehyung scrunched his nose. An action that I found cute. Not because I found Taehyung attractive! No! Well, he was quite handsome, but thats not the point! Because Holly often scrunched her nose at me when I told her something she didn't comprehend. Cute in an 'uwu' type of way! Not an 'I could just kiss you' type of way. That doesn't help does it?

"What?" Taehyung asked

"Nothing." I mumbled , feeling embarrassed by my own thoughts. "I can't believe I'm actually getting involved in this mess."

"Its not a mess." Taehyung reassured. For a moment I belived him. This whole 'prove I'm Raven Baxter' quest would go smoothly. Believed him until he added in "yet."

The invisible boy got up from his table and picked up his backpack. He held it close to his chest like it was his baby or something, before slingking out the front door. Off too who knows where.

"Let's go." Taehyung said grabbing my hand before I could protest. He entertwined our fingers so I couldn't pull away. His hand was warm and surprisingly soft. I wonder if the rest of him was soft like this.

Gay thoughts be gone! We shalt develop any feelings for the crazy blonde! No matter how cute he was.

We exited the cafe just in time to witness the boy trudging off into the woods.

"Do we have to follow him?" I asked, pulling Taehyung to a stop. Following random kids into the woods wasn't a big issue. After all I followed Jackson and the others into the woods our first time meeting (technically second if you count the bus incident), but following a skittish ravenette who I've never even seen around camp before today was just plain sketchy. "Cause following a stranger and potential murdere into the woods isn't on my bucket list. "

Taehyung smiled. It was an odd box shape. The warmth of it didn't reach his eyes.

"Don't worry Yoongi, I'll protect you."

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