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This is my favorite work out of all my others (unfinished trash) . But I genuinely enjoy writing this one.

And in the media would be a complimentary pic of my feet because I like doing that. You're very welcome! You don't have to tell me how much you love seeing pictures of my dirty shoes.

"I feel like I've seen that shirt before." I said giving Bam a once over. The cloth he was wearing utterly swallowing his already beyond slender figure.

"Oh?" The younger questioned tugging at it "probably, I borrow most of my clothes from Jackson." He said "my family isn't the richest so, didn't exactly have much to pack."

We arrive at my cabin when suddenly BamBam makes a noise of supreme aggravation "shit" he muttered

"What?" I ask

"I forgot my DS." He whined shoulders slumping "now I have to walk all the way back to the treehouse to get it."

I roll my eyes at him "I reminded you to bring the DS's and yet you still left them like a fool."

Brushing off my words he turns and starts jogging back into the forest "yeah yeah whatever! I'll be back in a few!"

After watching his retreating figure for a second I sigh and enter the cabin.

Speaking of cabin. Taehyung and I need to discuss what we're going to do about the competition . Personally I would love to call my mom and dad and tell them about all the friends I've made. They'd be so proud, I'm sure. Besides everybody likes a bit of praise now and then.

That's when I also remember that Taehyung doesn't exactly have anybody to call. His mom was amongst the dead, rest her soul. I don't know much about his brother. Jungkook was the only other person he talked about and the ravenette was already quite present.

"Tae." I called shutting the door.

A soft silence hangs in the air of the dark room.

A huge heap of blankets resides atop my bed while Taehyungs remains perfectly made. He's been sleeping in my bed for the past few days. Which I had no problem with.

The only thing visible among the fort were the blondes eyes. Emotionless as usual, or maybe not. His head hangs low, bangs sticking out at odd angles.

He stares at me unmoving, not even breathing as it seemed.


"I had a dream." He whispered, voice hoarse.

Has he been screaming again. My mind is constantly flashing back to that evening in the shower hall. The small boys cries threatening to shatter the very glass that was attacking him.

"Well, good morning to you too Martin Luther King." I joke trying to lighten the mood. He wasn't having any of that.

He unwraps some of the blankets from himself and pats the space beside him, inviting me to sit.

Last time Someone did that to me I got 'the talk'. The birds. The bees. The flowers. All the works. Worst hour of my life.

I take a seat beside him and lean my head on his shoulder. He's always either really warm or scarily cold. Plus really squishy.

"I dreamt that in another life we were famous." He says "we were in a boyband with Kookie, hobi and the other counselors. You were a rapper and I was a singer. We were idolized . People loved us."

I nodded my head slowly "did you enjoy being famous?"

He shook his head. "Your name was Suga because you're pale like sugar and my name was V for victory. It was fun for a bit I guess, but after awhile I realized something."

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