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The only thing we could think to do was go find a counselor. If we told them someone brought a gun on site then whether they found it or not they would have to close early and call parents for safety precautions . It seemed like an easy solution. That was until we walked into the wrong cabin.

The angered scream of namjoons "Jesus Christ!" And Jin's drunk "praise the lord! ". The feeling of a pillow smacking me in the face as they chased me out of the cabin was permanently burned into my brain. My face burning crimson as I tried desperately to comprehend how a human body could possible bend that way.

I staggered back to Tae and Kyungsoo who waited outside for me to return anxiously with news, but all I could do was stutter and hope neither of them could see my little friend standing at attention in the dark. "O-ok so plan b. J-Jin won't be of any help, he's....got his mouth- I MEAN HANDS! His hands full at the moment."

My face won't stop burning! It really doesn't help that Tae looks genuinely confused while Soo gives me a knowing look.

I mean it's not the first time I've walked in on a couple in the act. My parents do it while I'm home all the time. The walls are pretty thin. Once when they left me with a babysitter for a week while they went on a hard earned vacation she invited her boyfriend over. They went at it right at the dinning table with little seven year old me still sitting there thinking they were just play wrestling for my entertainment. I mean when she started begging for more and for him to go harder I should have known what was up. I'd never heard Dean Ambrose scream with pleasure while Seth Rollins has him in a head lock. Figures.

"Yah! Pervert! What did I tell you about Gaydreaming!" Suddenly someone smacks me hard in the back of the head and I'm brought back to reality.

Taehyung has the most concerned look on his face. The bottom of his sweater fisted into his pale exposed fingers. A blue pen that he'd claimed might come in handy earlier stuck into his messy blonde hair.

Bam Bam had joined our little congregation at some point. He must have been the one who hit me. He gave kyungsoo a small smile in greeting before coming back to finish me.

"So what was the fantasy about today? Taehyung in just his boxers? Were you imagining the kind of erotic face he would make?" He taunts. He holds a cardboard box in his arms filled with little knickknacks. From LEGO millennium falcons to star destroyers to paste-able glow in the dark stars.

"Why are you here?" I asked still a bit lightheaded. If you catch my drift. Yuh know? Cuz under my midriff I'm a little.... you know what I'll stop now.

Bam looked a bit hurt. "Gee I can't just come and say hello to my best friend in the entire world? "

Not when he was supposed to be having a serious conversation with Jackson about there to be or not to be future together.

"What happened to Jackson?"

He blushed" oh, well we decided to talk about it later since we still hadn't decorated our cabin."

Kyungsoo eyes widened to the point where they looked as if they would pop out of his head "no way! Tonight's the first night?! I thought they were starting next week."

Bam shrugged " time flies. This is one of the last weeks of camp. They start the cabin wars competition judging tonight. Jimin just reminded us."

Oh that. Well dang. Tae and I never even discussed what we would do for that. We didn't have anything to decorate with nor much time to make anything. Wonder if saving the lives of six people counted as a talent?

I glance at tae as bam and soo continue to talk. He's using the tip of his shoe to dig around in the dirt while staring absentmindedly into Bams box. More specifically at a pair of those goofy glasses that came with the fake nose and mustache and eyebrows.

His eyes shifted back and forth across the glass. The brown colour becoming muddy and distant as he watched the vision play out for the millionth time. Soon enough-

He flinched .

Yeah, soon enough the shooting would start.


His gaze whips up to meet mine and he shakes his head. No changes. Not good but not bad either.

"Anyway" bam said "you guys can stop by the treehouse and see if there is anything you could decorate your cabins with." He made a face of disgust "sadly the others are there as well, but don't worry I won't let them bother you. "

Kyungsoo tilts his head "treehouse? What treehouse?"

Bam puts his finger to his lips "shhhh it's supposed to be a secret. The only reasons this dumbass here " obviously taking about me" knows about it is because we thought it would be funny make him do our bidding."

We took off on our long trek towards the treehouse in silence. We didn't get to talk to Jin.... um yeah. But! Since everyone was so far away from the destination of the shooting it definitely wasn't happening tonight. We could relax until tomorrow then alert coach and have camp shut down. Why not have some fun while it was available?

"Wait...so the initiation wasn't legit?"

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